
Yeah, it's my weekend.  Had a good supper, am now enjoying a glass of white wine.  The next two days are going to be stinking hot.

I have my appointment for my shots on Monday.  Gosh, even after paying the plane fare, travel is really expensive.  My boss is really great, she told me I should probably take Monday off as the shots might affect me.  Told her I would see how it went.

My secret addiction is on: Big Brother.  It is just so much fun watching everybody being idiots.  The backstabbing, etc.  Well, it is summer and there is not much else on.

My lemon seeds have taken off.  I have eight little treelets growing.  Can't wait to see if they keep growing.  I have a green thumb with african violets, it seems, but not much luck with anything treelike.  Had to stop trying bonzai's after the third one died on me.  But I do have 2 ficus in my office.  One is huge and I have had it for about 10 years.  The second was started from clippings of the first one.  It has lasted about 3 years now.  Not as big but growing well.  I tried having one in my apartment, but it died.  Actually 3 of them died.  I figure after 3 tries, give it up.

Anyhow, that's about it for today.  Have a great end of the week and weekend.



Julie M said…
You are lucky three or maybe four days off. Not this week end but the next we are flying to Harvey Bay in Queensland for three days meeting up there with our daughter. How hot is stinking for you? 43 deg C is stinking here. My daughter is going to Vietnam in September and her shots didn't make her ill so here's hoping you will be OK also. We don't have Big Brother here anymore. The ratings weren't good and it finished after about 7 or 8 seasons. I love african violets too, I have started new ones just with a leaf in a cup of water till they start growing roots. It is very satisfying. I get this from my Dad, he has a big green thumb. My daughter and younger son have inherited it from me as well. You could be doing lots worse things in this world. I did a course at TAFE on bonsai about 20 years ago, I love them, but currently I don't have any they are a big committment. Enjoy your week end, no doubt we will touch base sometime. J
ocelot_eyes said…
Taking the extra day off after your shots is a good idea - I was fine the day when I got mine, but felt awful the day after, and nearly fainted at work! I work alone, so had to close the door of the shop until I felt better. And I'm normally not affected by any vaccines - but two of them were not playing nice with each other. It's good not to take chances and take the day off. :)

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