
Spent a lovely day.  Didn't do much of anything except rearrange the pictures on my wall.  One wall was not easy as it is completely concrete.  Hard to get the nails in.  I did it though!

Got a call from my son today.  Question:  Mom, how much do you love your son?
My response: Depends on what he wants.

Just a ride to the Costco to get some stuff.  No big deal, an hour and a half this afternoon.  Bought a couple of books from our library.  $1.00 each.  They were Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum series.  It is up to # 17.  I have 14-17, but I really like the early ones, so now I have 3 & 4.  A fun read.

I was taking Kayla for a walk in the park tonight.  Saw this 20 something year old doing yoga.  She had herself bent like a pretzel.  I haven't been able to bend like that in years.  Bitch. Hahaha. Just jealous as I hobble around.

I will sit here and have a drink and watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.  Have a great rest of the weekend, my friends.



Julie M said…
We only have a few Costco stores here and then only in the big capital cities. Not sure if they are the same. Here they are a membership warehouse or wholesale store that you can buy pretty much everything under the one roof. A lot has to be bought in bulk though and the trolleys are massive in size. The pretzel in the park probably won't be able to bend much when she is 50 or so. My body has so many aches and sore spots now but I didn't when I was in my 20's. I used to play a lot of Netball. Wouldn't be able to run onto the court now. LOL.
Belinda said…
Yeah, the same type of store. Don't go so much on my own, but it is great for fuel, usually 4 to 6 cents cheaper. I used to play volleyball, not sure if that's the same. I wouldn't be able to get off the bench anymore, knees are my worst complaint, then hips. I breaking down all over. LOL

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