
OK, this sucks.  They have changed the schedule on TV.  Now they shows I watch are who knows where.  Hate when they do that.

Getting cooler here, I actually had to pull the quilt over me last night.  You can smell autumn coming.  I love it.  The weather has been so up and down the last week.  30 on Saturday, 19 today.  Tomorrow is supposed to go up to 27 or 29.  Too bad, because Kayla has been doing so much better with the cooler weather.  Oh, well, it won't last much longer.

Made y appointment with the ear doctor.  When I went to get my shot, I asked the doctor about what I could do about me ear problems.  I was told this type of problem caused a lot of trouble when flying.  My reply to that, back in March, was no worries.  I never fly.  Famous last words.  Anyhow, the doctor took a look at my ear and said I should see the specialist again.  So I will go see him and see what he says. 

Had a dream last night that I got to Nairobi and the customs wouldn't let me in.  Just my worrying kicking in as the time gets closer.  I tend to worry too much when I have too much time on my hands.  In another week and a half, I will be so busy I probably won't be able to speak when I get home from work.  Doesn't last log, just the first couple of weeks of classes.

Had a small earthquake here today.  Actually, it was in Virginia, but we felt it up here.  Nothing big, but my neighbor called me at work in a bit of a panic.  I think she has weather phobias. 

Nothing much else happening, so I will just say to have a great week, my friends.



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