
An interesting meeting at City Hall tonight.  They are going to tear down the arena/pool right next door to me and build a whole new complex.  They wanted input from people who live in the area.  It was quite a good meeting, but heavy with people involved with the kids swim team.  But a lot of good ideas exchanged.

I am going to have to stop using the patches.  they don't bother me when they are on, but when I take them off, I end up with itchy red welts in the shape of the patch.  Really bothering me.  Even the Benadryl cream is not helping.

Three more days and back to work.  Thank goodness.  I couldn't take anymore time off....Actually a neighbor and I (with Kayla) sat out back today.  We had loads of fun.  They blocked off one direction of a major street behind our building, and trying to see people figure out how to navigate was a hoot.  They would do a detour, then end up having to backtrack a couple of blocks.  Of course there were barricades, but these do not apply to people of my part of town.  :-)

Not much else in the radar for now.  Otherwise everything is really quiet.  Remind me I said all this in 3 weeks when school is starting and I am pulling my hair out.

Have a great weekend, my friends.



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