
It is 9:20 in the morning.  I went to bed around 1 a.m.  Took a bit of time to get to sleep.  Woke up around 3 a.m.  Have been up ever since.  I am so tired and it isn't even noon.  Have tried to sleep, no luck.  Will get a few things done and maybe try to nap this afternoon.

Another, lighter, thunder storm this morning.  Today is probably going to be a write-off.

In case I do fall asleep early, have a great rest of the week.



Julie M said…
I have a theory Belinda, you arent busy with work, so you aren't weary. You are fairly relaxed so you aren't tired enough to sleep. You will probably be OK once you return to work. I do trust this is all it is. Today I had a 9.30 am visit to my long standing gynacologist, all was well which is good. I had my right ovarie and tube removed in May. No cancer though so relieved at this news. This afternoon I had a dentist appoinment to have a tooth made prettier that had had an absess on the gum. Tomorrow is the back man and then the hairdresser. Busy days, such is life. Your storms sound rather good, I so enjoy them. I hope you are well. Julie xx
Belinda said…
Thanks, Julie. I rarely get insomnia, so when I do it hits hard. I think the patch might be a contributing factor also. Yes I do need to get back to work.
Glad to hear you don't have any cancer, wonderful news. I have an appointment to get my teeth cleaned and another to get my second shot for Africa the week after next. If never rains, but pours.
Really do love thunderstorms, too, but at night when you can turn the lights out and watch the show.
I am well and hope you are too.
Linda xoxo
Julie M said…
Insomnia is a bitch, I don't get it often but when you do it is difficult to break the cycle. Like you say it never rains...... next week I won't have any appointments but I do need to buy my poor old Dad a walker so that will be next weeks project. He has to go to Newcastle to the hospital down there on Tuesday to the professor he sees so that will be an all day affair. Tuesday is also son number two Robert's 24 birthday. I am well, just getting old with lots of aches and pains. My dad is 84 so can only imagine how his body feels. Lovely day here, 8 am sunny and 9 degrees but it feels like it will warm up. Boss just rang and wants me to buy bread rolls for him on the way to work and I need to change the sheets yet and haven't had my shower as yet so I had better get organised. Hope you have a good day. Say hello to Kayla for me. Julie xoxo

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