
Busy day.  Groceries, cleaning, walking the dog.  Weather was weird, beautiful sunshine, then dark clouds and back to sunshine.  A little chilly this morning and not too hot this afternoon.  I like the temperature like that.

Kayla seems to be doing much better with the arthritis.  Guess it is the cooler weather.  She was downright frisky this morning.

I keep trying to downsize my apartment, get rid of the junk.  It seems the more I get rid of, the more accumulates.  Next week is back to work full time.  Things will start going fast now.  September is always crazy with the classes starting and the new students.  I am down to 66 days in my countdown, so being so busy will make that fly by.

Going to do some more cleaning up tonight so I have the weekend free.  Might try to get to the canal tomorrow.  Have a great weekend, my friends.



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