
O.k.  I know I said I would try to write something every day, but this is making me realize just how boring my life is.  Maybe I will try for every couple of days, or a couple of times a week.  Too depressing.  Today was really quiet.  I got a lot of cleaning done.  Other than that, not much.  It was supposed to rain all day today, but it is 10:00 and still no rain. 

Sat out back with a neighbor.  Her ex-husband died a little over a year ago and left his house to their daughter.  She started talking about how her daughter was supposed to be cutting the grass today.  Also on the Labor Day weekend, they would clean the windows on the house and do the garden and clean the gutters.  I reminded her that it was the daughters house and she would do what she wanted when she wanted.  Completely went over her head.  I have often wondered when God died and left her in charge, LOL :-).

Other than that, nothing happening.  Completely boring.  Gosh, I need a life.  I can hear thunder outside, hopefully it means it will rain soon. 

Stay well, my friends.  Have a great week.



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