
Not a lot happening today.  Got the cleaning done.  Relaxed, had a drink.  Watching "Night at the Museum".   Nice Saturday night.  It's a fun movie.

Wow, tomorrow is Greg's birthday.  35 years old.  Never thought either of us would make it this far.  :-).  He was born on a Saturday morning, September 4 at 5:59 a.m.  Kept me up all night.  This was after 2 false labors.

He really turned into a great young man.  Has a store he opened with a partner.  He is wonderful.   Happy birthday, Greg.  Really proud of you.

Anyhow, that's it for today.  It's a long weekend with rain for most of it.  Blah.  But I am getting a lot done.

Have a great rest of the weekend, my friends. 



Julie M said…
Your Saturday sounds like my sort of Saturday. Not too much work and some relaxing time. Why is it that the boys do that to their mum's the girls wouldn't do that to us. Lauren was born at 10.39 am after a three hour labour. My boys were born at 1.30 am and 3.30 am and all I wanted to do was go to sleep. I am sure that Greg is also proud of you Belinda. You raised him by yourself and should be very proud of the way that he has turned out. He would not have turned into the lovely young man that he has if it wasn't for you. You deserve a lot of praise and a big pat on the back.
Belinda said…
I am very proud of him, Julie. Even he has admitted he was an a**hole during his teen years. And, even though he still doesn't listen to me, he always admits that I was right. :-). Boys will be boys.

I always consider that I did what had to be done. Nothing to gather praise for. Same as every mom out there.
Julie M said…
I had good kids and they never gave me one ounce of trouble as they say. Paul was the most trying of the three and he still is, just his personality. They don't listen to me either. My husband says I don't listen to him and I reply 'I always listen but I eventually do what I want to do'. I think that is fair, so fair with the kids as well. They are adults now and have to decide how to live their lives themselves. Hopefully we taught them the proper guidelines so that they can make the right decisions. Having children is a committment and there is no turning back, you just have to get on with it and do the very best you able to. Not like the current generation here, they don't want to be responsible for anything let alone the children they have. I saw a terribly bad behaved little 4 year old boy in the supermarket today. I would have been appalled if one of mine had behaved like he did, but they just laughed at him, he was so rude. Anyway enought complaining, have a lovely evening. Julie

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