
Showing posts from 2011

Almost done!

Well, 1 more day to 2011.  This year has had it's ups and downs.  We helped Anne.  And there were a couple of other petitions that got passed.  However the big one is still elusive.  Ringworm must be closed down.  The ups of the year are that I have so many great new friends.  Can't believe how well we clicked.  The downs are Kayla is getting older and it is beginning to show.  A dog her size usually has about 12 - 13 years.  She is already 9.  I will enjoy whatever time we have left.  She is such a sweetheart.  Tomorrow is New Year's eve.  I am not doing anything.  Hopefully I will be able to stay awake and watch the countdown.  I am getting old, too.  LOL.  Yesterday was minus 18 with a windchill of minus 28.  Tomorrow is going to be 0 with freezing drizzle.  Of course, I am talking celsius.  Sounds worse than ferenheit, although it is still freaking cold.  The weather h...

Christmas is over

Well, Christmas is over and done for another year.  What will 2012 bring?  The gods only know.  I was watching Afrucam today and saw a breeding herd of eles.  They were magnificent.  Then I thought of all the babies at DSWT who would never have the opportunities these eles had.  It broke my heart.  It was then I thought of the injustice.  Asian ele females do not have tusks.  If the African ele females didn't have tusks, the eles would stand a chance.  Humanity boggles the mind sometimes.  For 2012, I am trying to: a) quit smoking for good.  b) lose the 20 lbs I have put on this year.  Not too difficult, right  It's going to be hell.  Although I have a neighbor who has started a business as a personal trainer, and he is not too expensive.  Plus he is doing the training just down the hall from my apartment, so I think I will hire him.  Not walking as much with Kayla this year has really put on the we...

Merry Christmas Everyone.

My goodness, another year is almost over.  I can't believe what a difference this year has made.  I had so many lovely new friends, a new sister (:-)) and an active life.  I was reborn at 55 years.  Thank you, Goddess, for all the new friends I have made this year.  They have made my life so much better.  I now realize how shallow I was before.  Not caring about too much other than  what affected me personally.  I did my small part whenever I could, but it was never enough.  I think Anne changed things for me.  We DID something.  And it was incredible.  I went outside my comfort zone and traveled.  It was amazing.  Now I feel better about traveling to other places.  I can do it.  I had my doubts before.  Now I know I can.  Yahoooooooo.  To all my friends, I wish nothing but the best for 2012.  I do love you all.  Especially my sister.  Be happy, keep fighting the good...

Merry Christmas

Ok.rhere is something seriously wrong here.  My union filed a grievance that, because the holiday falls on a Sunday, we should be getting the previous work day  off, meaning the Friday.  An arbitrator agreed.  Now the university has filed an appeal.  So, all in all, we don;t get the Friday off.  However, my boss informed me today that she is off to go skiing.  Won't be in for the rest of the week.   Where is the justice?

What a difference a year makes.

Who would have thought that 6 little words said a year ago would change my life so immensely.  "I want an elephant for Christmas".  A year later, I now have friends from all over the world.  I have been to Africa and am looking forward to my next trip to Australia.    Who would have thought that such a magnificent creature as the elephant that lives a half world away could change a life so much. I used to be almost a hermit, not really caring about anything much but myself and my son.  Now a whole new world has opened up for me.  And I wouldn't change anything for the world. Have a great rest of the weekend, my friends.  TTFN


OK, it is December 13th.  I haven't got hardly anything done for Christmas.  I have a few large Christmas balls that I hang in my window, but my son has my tree and all my decorations.  I'm never usually home at Christmas. How did the days fly by so fast.  Wow.  I will have to raid the locker this weekend and get my wrapping paper and stuff to get ready.  Good thing I bought all those things in Nairobi.  That takes care of almost everyone.  Just one or two other things to get over the next week or so. Have a great rest of the week, my friends. TTFN

Bad Mommy

O.K. I'm a bad mommy.  Kayla has been licking herself quite a bit for a few months now.  I never really checked it out properly.  Tonight I did, and she has licked herself bald.  She has a major hot spot in her rear "armpit".  Poor girl.  I have put hydrocortisone on it for now, but have to figure out how to stop her from licking herself.  It just makes it worse.  I think with all the wet we have been having it has irritated her even more.  Have to keep her very dry.  A cool tea bag rub to relieve irritation, a good rub with the towel.  It has been a busy, but quiet week.  A lot of things that have to be done, but no students, so it has been quiet.  I can't believe it is only 2 weeks until Christmas.  I am not even nearly ready.  Thank goodness for all the things I picked up in Nairobi, that's what everyone is getting.  Had a bit of a bad patch this week, too many horror stories with the animals.  B...


I HATE MENOPAUSE.  The hot flashes are driving me crazy.  Can't sleep properly.  Tonight, I am almost in tears seeing all the animals that are due to be put down.  There are just too many.  I hate this world that can do all these horrible things to these innocent beings.  That being said, how is your week going?  Just getting too overwhelmed with all the stories of abuse and neglect.  These poor animals haven't done anything to deserve this.  I want a large pool, a dozen toasters plugged in, and all the abusers and abandoners in the pool.  Just 5 minutes.  I don't think any jury in the world would convict me.  Sorry, I really am feeling overwhelmed.  This picture from ESMA got to me.  I think my hormones are completely out of whack right now. Anyhow.  I hope you all have a great rest of the week, my friends.  TTFN


Nothing much has been happening.  Managed to get Kayla to the canal on Sunday.  She had a great time.  Nothing but rain since.  The streets and sidewalks around home are so muddy from the construction and I have to constantly vacuum and wash the floors.  Very annoying.  Work is winding down, though.  Another couple of weeks and we close for Christmas break.  Love it.  A week and a half off.  Could use it.  Even though I just had 2 weeks vacation, it just seemed so jam packed with things to do that I didn't really get any rest.  Don't really want to go to Ottawa, but I will. Anyhow, nothing much else to say.  Have a great rest of the week, my friends. TTFN


Life is good.  Kayla is better.  Who knew they made kaopectate for dogs?  Anyhow, she is feeling a lot better and I am happy. Nothing much else has been happening.  Am seriously thinking of fostering Sasab.  Such a little darling, only a month old.  Wow, only 3 more weeks until Christmas.  The weather today doesn't prove it.  Pouring rain today and cold.  I think we hit a high of 3 degrees.  Two more days until December 1.  We don't have to move the cars on Monday morning any more unless there is snow removal.  Yeah.  They have dug up the whole street in front of my apartment.  The whole is at least 15 feet deep.  Everything is muddy.  This is the reason I hate spring and late fall.  The rain makes everything muddy.  I have to keep the mop and bucket handy.  Where Kayla sleeps, there is a big puddle of dirt when she gets up.  Anyhow, not a lot happening right now.  Hope you h...


O.k.  An interesting weekend.  Thankfully it has been mild.  Kayla has diarrhea again.  I know she can't eat duck, but now I know she can't eat trout.  2 days of taking her out every 2 hours.  Hopefully she is over it now.  I gave her the slippery elm soup and she ate it all.  The most brilliant thing I did is make her a big litter box.  I found a large box and cut off the bottom.  Lined it with a shower curtain and newspaper.  Saves me a pile of cleanup.  She is so clever.  She uses the box. Otherwise it has been a very boring weekend.  I hate this time of year as it is very muddy outside.  I need to wash the floors every day, almost.  But I can't really complain, it has been a very quiet weekend.  I love it. Have a great week, my friends.  TTFN.


Damn.  I thought a neighbor who is a thorn in my side might be moving.  Get this, she calls me to tell me that there was an apartment she is going to see.  It is a great apartment, good rent, good placement.  I am hoping it lives up to all she is expecting.  In the back of my mind I know it won't be.  Anyhow she says she is having panic attacks just at the thought of going to see it.  Of course, she calls me tonight and no, she isn't taking it.  Hello, I could have told her that.  Sounds heartless, I know, but she is the one that has to know every little detail of everything in the neighborhood.  While she is telling you that what you are saying is great, she is also telling you how stupid you are.  Oh, well.  Better luck next time.  Hahaha.


Really had to bite my tongue today.  We were in a meeting, and my boss, who is sitting next to me, says one of the Vice-Deans is driving her crazy.  Hello!  Didn't you give me hell yesterday for saying that about a part-time professor?  I don't think she caught what she did.  Oh well, double standards and all that.  She really is great though, and the meeting seemed to go double speed.  That I can deal with.  I hate meetings, and we seem to have them every week. Anyhow, have a great rest of the week, my friends. TTFN


Busy weekend trying to get some cleaning done.  A losing battle.  I no sooner do the dusting then there is dog and cat hair all over.  Frustrating.  But that is life with animals. Got a little ticked off with my boss today.  She is a wonderful lady, and great at getting stuff done,  but she is a micro-manager.  I went on vacation for a week once and came back and she had rearranged my office.  She is a bit of a neat freak, too.  Or maybe it's a minimalist.  Whichever, no respect for anyone else's space.  Anyhow, the problem started when I had to do the scheduling for next year.  At first, she didn't understand why I had to contact people who had proposed courses.  She just wanted me to schedule them.  I explained we always asked people's preferences on when they wanted to teach.  Got most of the scheduling done, but for one person.  Gave her about 5 different time slots that were available, but of course...


A very confusing day.  Had to drop the car at the garage this morning so thought I would leave early.  Thought I would have to call a tow truck, but I finally got it started.  Nice day at work.  The university was holding their annual fund raising for a charity organization.  My boss treated us to a nice pasta lunch, spaghetti, caesar salad, roll and a desert.  She let me leave early so I could go pick up the car. That's when the fun started.  Raining, car dead.  Got the mechanic to come with me and he fixed the problem, a cable had come off the battery.  Drive home through the rain in rush hour traffic.  Drove around for 20 minutes to find a place to park.  Still raining, now with snow mixed in.  All I could think of was Kayla at home waiting for me.  Over an hour late getting home.  She was so good though.  I came in and she was sitting in front of the door waiting for me.  Such a sweet girl, and so love...


Have had the day from hell.  Woke up to Kayla having diarrhea everywhere.  Probably from her stealing the bag of liver treats.  Nice mess to clean up before you even have your coffee.  Then they are digging up the streets all around my apartment.  Nowhere to move my car, which, by the way, is going to cost me about $300 this week.  The starter is dying. I went to work this morning and forgot my glasses at home.  Just one of those days when everything that could go wrong did.  My boss is a wonderful person but....She is a micromanager.  Drives me nuts.  She doles out praise with one hand and tells you all kinds of faults with the other.  At least I understand her and take everything with a grain of salt.  Hey, she helped the babies.  Gotta love her for that. Anyhow, enough of my whining for today.  Have a great week, my friends. TTFN


I have gotten out of the habit of writing here lately.  No problem.  Gets boring reporting day to day stuff anyhow.  My life is not that exciting.  Ha ha. I am about 90% over my cold.  Hate being sick.  Of course nobody likes to be sick.  Have you ever noticed that when you are sick, it feels sooooo good to wash your hair.  Don't know why, it just does. Discovered Kayla managed to steal a large bag, half full, of freeze dried liver treats.  I wondered why her tummy was off.  Little dickens.  I wonder if this behavior is because I went away.  She has only done this since I got back.  Her little rebellion. Anyhow, have a great week ahead, my friends. TTFN.  


Well, I have been back over a week now.  Nairobi almost seems like a dream.  Work was insane after 2 weeks off.  Starting to think about Christmas.  A little poor this year, but I will manage.  With all the saving I did this year, I didn't do my shopping like I usually do.  People will understand. So much to do, but just can't get motivated.  I keep clearing out the clutter, and it miraculously reappears a short time later.  Have to look at new ways of doing things.  This one isn't working.  I'm kind of like the bears, as winter approaches, I start wanting to hibernate.  Impossible with a dog.  Kayla is loving the colder weather.  I just need to get acclimated to it.  Same every year.  The first few really cold days always come as a shock.  Soon I will come to think of 1 degree as a warm spell. :-) Anyhow, not much else happening.  Hope all is well with you.  Have a great weekend, my friends....


Well, I am back.  Nairobi was the most amazing thing I have ever done in my life.  I loved it.  Got in Wednesday around 10:30.  Had a lot of trouble sleeping.  Woke up around 4 a.m. had a coffee, and managed to get back to sleep.  Thursday morning:  Got up and had a lovely breakfast.  My driver, Peter, came and we went for the morning visit at the Trust.  I almost couldn't think, I was so tired and so emotional at seeing the babies finally.  They were absolutely wonderful.  Then I went back to the hotel to recharge my camera and have a bite.  Peter came and got me and I went back for the evening visit.  They say it is only 45 minutes, but you do get 1 hour with them.  Returned to the hotel for dinner and a good night sleep.  Got the dinner, not the sleep, though. Friday:  This was my day for the private visit.    Got lots of pictures of the monkeys in the courtyard.  Peter picked me...


Ok.  Less than 48 hours until I leave.  I haven't been writing very much this week, not a lot to tell.  Greg and Allie had a bad car accident yesterday.  Both are a little sore, but o.k.  Took a few years off my life and gave me a few more grey hairs.  Kayla seems to be getting over whatever was bothering her tummy last week.  This is good.  Even my ear seems to be clearing tonight.  The cat is driving me crazy wanting to go out, but the windows are closed as it has gotten quite chilly outside.  Tomorrow I will do my laundry, wash and change my sheets, do other last minute stuff.  I cooked like crazy today.  Greg will not go hungry.  He has shepherd's pie, beef stew, biscuits and apple crisp.  He won't worry if the vacuuming is not done.  Just hope Kayla is not too upset when I am not here.  It's only a week, but I have never left her for more than a day or two.  She should be fine.  Anyhow...


Cheesh, Thursday already.  The time is flying by.  Just a little over 4 days until I leave.  Yeah! Not a lot happening this week.  My cousin came and stayed overnight again.  She is getting more and more business here in Montreal.  Good for her.  Hope she starts making some money from it.   She still treats me a bit like a kid sometimes though.  She also does that with my son.  She needs to let up some. Anyhow, Kayla is starting to feel better now.  Thankfully, it is getting cleared up before Greg takes over with Kayla.  He's really good about stuff like that, but I don't want him to have to come home and clean up "poop" twice a day.  Kayla can't help it, I know, but it doesn't make it easier to come into that every day for a week.  Bless her. Anyhow, I don't have much else to say.  My packing is all done.  I have everything in order, I hope.  I am in 7th heaven thinking about this trip....


Such a beautiful day.  Quite warm, so Kayla and I went to the canal.  She had a lot of fun.  She still has a bit of a tummy problem, so I am making up a pumpkin/ginger puree.  It is so good for her. I really have to start thinking about moving.  I have a neighbor who thinks she has to run everyone's life.  I blew up a little at her today.  She keeps telling me I have to tell this other person (I'll call her C) that I am going to Nairobi.  I have barely said more than hello to C in over a year.  So this morning my neighbor tells me she told the C that I am going.  Said C had to know and I should have told her.  Blew up at that.  C has been on a few trips and never mentioned them to me, and didn't have to.  Why do I have to tell every little detail of my life?  Had enough of these so-called well-intentioned people in my life.  I guess I have outgrown them, we have very little in common any more.  The first n...


Not a lot happening.  I'm waiting for my cousin to come in.  She is staying overnight.  Nice to have company once in a while.  Boring at work.  Not a lot to do.  But it makes the days go faster.  We have a long weekend coming up.  Our Thanksgiving.  I have been invited to the ??future in-laws?? for dinner.  That will be nice.  I don't have to cook this year.  Need to make a few more dishes for my son so he is well-fed while looking after my place when I am gone.  13 more days.  Can't wait.  Went and got my money from the bank today.  Also got talked into travel insurance.  A good price and it covers stuff my other insurance doesn't, e.g. my luggage and a few other things. Anyhow, I am boring tonight.  So I will just say good night and have a great rest of the week, my friends. TTFN


Ah, another week has gone by.  16 days left before I leave.  I realized today that it is not traveling that I am nervous about.  I think I have this fairy tale opinion of Africa that I had had since I was a kid.  I have dreamed of going for so long.  But with all that's going on, my views have shattered.   I always thought of Africa as deep jungles, lost rivers and exotic locations.  Maybe it was like that when I was a kid, but that was 45 years ago.  A lot changes in that time. Back to work tomorrow.  The weekend was a complete write-off.  Pouring rain, cold, miserable.  But I got a lot done.  Washed all the bedding from the guests last week.  So everything is good. Long weekend next week.  Our Thanksgiving.  I am invited to the "future in-laws??" for dinner.  Am looking forward to it.  Such a great family.  I am so glad Greg met Allie.  She is a wonderful girl (woman). Anyhow, I a...


Whew, glad today is over.  So many things happening at the same time.  Everyone says technology makes everything go faster.  So how come things that were due in March now have to be in the September before.  Then there was the IITS for the photocopier, then the movers to get rid of the stuff we moved out of the library.  They couldn't stagger it to go over a few days, no, it has to happen in 1 day.  Oh well, it makes the time go faster.  Not much else happened this week.  Just trying to fix the sculptures that lost a leg or trunk.  Actually, I fixed the one of Chemi Chemi climbing on Mutara and I think it looks better than before.  Now I have to figure out how to pack it so it doesn't break again.  I think my laptop is going to be o.k.  Seems a file got corrupted and it just had to be wiped and everything reinstalled.  I don't mind it too much, though.  It is easier working with the desktop and an actual keyboard....


Yay, my company is gone.  I don't think I have had more than 4 hours sleep a night.  So tired.  Gosh, Mike has gotten so much worse.  Nothing but strip clubs and booze.  He is on a real self-destructive path.  Anyhow, down to counting days instead of months now.  Just under 21 days.  Hit a few snags today.  Thought I had done some things and they weren't done.  Got it cleared up now.  Opened a U.S. savings account with the thought of buying Kenya shillings.  Turns out I won't be able to access it with my bank card, so I will have to transfer it all into my Canadian account.  But when I put the money in there, the rates were good, so I got a few extra dollars.  Now the rates have changed, so when I put it into my Cdn. account I will make a few extra dollars again.  Love that.  A couple of the sculptures I made had pieces that broke off.  I am just trying to glue them back together.  I tried to m...


I have been so remiss about writing this week.  Not much has been happening.  Have all my packing done, and I think I have kept within my weight limit.  A little over 3 weeks left.  Wow, from April when it was 6 months to now with a little over 3 weeks.  Time is suddenly flying by. Tried to find where to get some Kenya Shillings before I go so I have a little cash on hand when I get there.  Apparently there is no place in Montreal to get them.  One place I called only had about $15. worth.  I checked with the airport where I land and there is an exchange place open 24 hours, so I can change my money when I get there. I think I have done a smart thing.  I know that to buy anything, bargaining is expected.  I can't do that.  I am extremely shy, and when there is the poverty added in, I just don't feel right bargaining.  So I asked someone I know there to help me find someone I can hire to go shopping with me.  I am hopin...


I have to say that I have met people on FB that have quickly become better friends than people I have known for 20 years.  Thank you.  Seriously.  I feel like I have suddenly come alive.  I am not listening to someone who is afraid the building we are living in is going to fall down around our ears or someone who insists on talking about themselves continuously.  Yeah! There was one little incident today that pissed me off a little.  I jokingly shared my horoscope for the day.  Got a response back that it was gobble de gook.  It was a joke, person.  How dare you debase me like that.  Shows how belittling you can be. Anyhow, not a lot else happening today.    Have a great rest of the week, my friends. Julie, hope you are having a great time.  Stay safe, my friend. TTFN


Not a lot going on today.  Laundry, cleaning.  I think I have my bags packed, at least the ones for the Trust.  Just making the weight limit of 50 lbs.  A lot of stuff.  To tell the truth, I have also packed my clothes.  Now that Summer is over, I washed all my clothes I intend to bring and packed them up.  So I am all set.  30 days left.  Yeah! Am getting a little  disillusioned with the group I have set up on FB.  We had a great group going, but some real weirdos have joined.  I can't really just kick them out.  I am not a dictatorial type.  But there is a lot of disturbing stuff being posted.  Makes me ill.  I am not trying to hide my head in the sand or anything like that.  But I am the type that won't even watch the news.  I keep up with headlines, but it is depressing enough living day to day without having to watch more every night. I will just keep focusing on seeing my babies soon....


Has been a week of ups and downs.  Strange.  Finding out today that I may get my promotion was good.,    Only been trying for about 5 years.  Will believe it when I see it. Have Greg's birthday dinner tomorrow.  Got all the stuff done tonight.  Gosh I am organized for a change.  Not muchy else going on right now.  Trying to figure out my luggage for Nairobi.  Too many people have given me sunscreen and my weight allowance is getting a little ridiculous.  Trying to shift things around   I want to help them so much.  Anyhow, not a lot more to say.  Have a great end of the week my friends.   And a great week end.  TTFN


Sorry for last night's rant.  I have been holding that in for so long and it finally came out.  Felt a lot better after. Rainy day here.  The lightening was magnificent tonight.  I still rode my bike to work, just managing to avoid all the rain.  Really a good day.  Went to the ear doctor.  Told him about my trip and got all kinds of stuff to help my ear.  He gave me an Rx for antibiotics which are the same ones for traveler's diarrhea, so I am covered for anything. Mika just came in the window.  She was outside when the rain started.  Never saw a cat move so fast to get back inside.  Hahaha.  Anyhow, not much else happening right now.  Still need to take the dog out, then I will hit the hay.  Big day tomorrow to meet with all the new students.  Always hate that.  I have to go and uy all kinds of food to feed them all.  Thank goodness for business credit cards. Have a great rest of the week, m...


Have been doing a lot of thinking tonight.  I realize I can hold a grudge.  In my life, I have been abandoned by 2 mothers and a father.  However both mothers decided to come back into my life around the same time.  And it was a case of "let's forget about what was and there was nothing in the middle".  Everything is normal, we go on as if nothing happened.  Excuse me, but FUCK THAT.  I am not going to forget everything and just act like everything is normal.  I hate swearing, but there are a few times when it is warranted and this is one of them. Sorry for the rant.  It just really ticks me off that they expect me to be available when they decide to show up, like it's a family obligation.  There has never actually been a family situation. O.k. I have gotten it out of my system.  Deep breaths.  Relax.  Done. How are all my friends today?  Hope you are having a great week.  Just took Kayla for her walk....


Well, another dull Saturday.  Didn't do a whole lot today.  Did the groceries and that's about it.  My laptop bit the bullet last night, so I spent the day trying to get my desktop up-to-date.  A whole lot of programs and things I had to download and install.    And they say technology makes life easier.  HA.  At least with the desktop I don't have to type things three times.  With my laptop, the mouse would suddenly shift and words would disappear.  Sometimes whole sentences.  With a keyboard, I don't have that problem.  My son brought the laptop to a friend of his.  Might lose all the stuff on it, but he might be able to rebuild it.  Rats, just realized I had all the monthly watercolors Angela did in one file.  I will probably lose them.  :-( Went to take Kayla for a walk and the public pool, which closed last week, had a couple of kids skateboarding in it.  Really bright.  Amazing what th...


Aaaarrrrgggg.  Why do hot flashes always happen when it's warm.  Why can't they happen when it is -10?  Hate them now.  And it says they can hang around for 10 years.  I think I am on year 12 now.   They don't last long, but wow, uncomfortable. Just saw a promo for this reality series called "Real Housewives of New Jersey".  Sick.  Not a show I would watch.  They are not real housewives.  Doubt they have ever picked up a dust rag in their lives.  Pathetic. Just realized I am down to 40 days before I leave.  Really getting antsy.  Want it NOW.  Haha.  Can you tell I don't like to wait for things. Nothing much happening.  Kids are driving me nuts back at school.  Especially the new ones.  How did they ever get to university?  Haha. Have a great rest of week, my friends. TTFN.


O.k.  I think I am out of my funk.  I guess summer is officially over.  They closed the pool today.  This morning was 14 deg.  We will have a few more warm days, but that's it for this year. School is back in full swing.  There were so many kids today, it was crazy.  I am glad it is getting busy, time will fly faster. Started my typhoid pills this morning.  No reaction to them, thank goodness.  It is 4 pills taken over a week, with 1 day between each pill.  Easier taking them then giving Kayla her 2 pills twice a day.  Dang, she is getting sneaky.  Not many left though, poor girl.  She feels much better, so it is worth it. Not a lot else happening right now.  School will take up all my energy for the next 2 weeks, then things will settle down as the kids get into the routine. All for today.  Have a great rest of the week, my friends. TTFN 


It has been a strange day, weather wise.  Woke up to pouring rain, then beautiful sunshine, the pouring rain again.  Weird.  I am really missing Mumbushi this week.  Loved that little guy.  FB is getting a little weird.  We had a really nice group, then it grew.  In some ways it is a little better, in some ways, I liked the group we had.  Can you tell I don't like change too much?  I think I am just feeling too sentimental tonight.  Missing all my babies and can't wait to see them.  Mumbushi was only with us a short time, but he touched a lot of lives.  I am so sorry I never got to meet him.  Oh, Lord, the tears are starting. A little upset tonight.  Maybe I am being a little petty, but I don't care.  My son's girlfriend's family want to throw a birthday party for him tomorrow.  This is great.  However, for his birthday, he borrowed my car to go to a wedding, and stayed there overnight.  Just cam...


Not a lot happening today.  Got the cleaning done.  Relaxed, had a drink.  Watching "Night at the Museum".   Nice Saturday night.  It's a fun movie. Wow, tomorrow is Greg's birthday.  35 years old.  Never thought either of us would make it this far.  :-).  He was born on a Saturday morning, September 4 at 5:59 a.m.  Kept me up all night.  This was after 2 false labors. He really turned into a great young man.  Has a store he opened with a partner.  He is wonderful.   Happy birthday, Greg.  Really proud of you. Anyhow, that's it for today.  It's a long weekend with rain for most of it.  Blah.  But I am getting a lot done. Have a great rest of the weekend, my friends.  TTFN


Well, I heard from the Trust this morning.  They have me sponsoring Dabassi now.   This is him with Mishak.  He is still a little "wild" right now, and rightfully so.  He is about 20 months old.  Needs a little fattening up.  He is coming around, though.  The other eles are helping him, and Mishak works wonders with them.   Booked my private visit today.  I will get to spend 30 minutes with the eles.  Might even get to feed them.  Can't wait.   All for now.  Have a great day, my friends. TTFN


A very sad day.  My smallest and youngest elephant has died.  This is Mumbushi with Abdi, the keeper who helped with the rescue.  Poor baby, only a couple of months old and he saw his mother killed, had his head slashed with a machete, other various cuts and stuff on him.  A day later and look how trusting he is of Abdi.   Can't even begin to describe how heartborken I am over the news. Definitely booking the private time at the Trust for October.  Although the evening visits will be nice, you can't really be near the babies except through the fence of their stable.  So I will pay the money and be able to touch and hug them.   Love you, Mumbushi.  So sorry, baby, for what humans did to you.  Rest in peace, angel.  You are with your mama again. This person , B, is really starting to bug me.  So shallow, it's irritating.  Have decided to hide their posts.   Otherwise I might say something I don't want to...


All I can say is WOW.  Winds up to 90 kph and heavy rain. And we only got the tail end of Irene.  I have never seen it like that here.  Pretty scary, can't begin to imagine what everyone in the U.S. had to deal with before it lost some strength.  My neighbor upstairs is nervous whenever there is a strong wind, so I had her here for almost 8 hours.   Finally took Kayla through the park.  I was ready to see devastation, instead I see the plants and flowers and trees withstood the storm quite well.  Mainly dead branches fell off the trees. Kayla is feeling so much better.  She has had 2 full days of medication, and I think it is already starting to work on her.  I know she needs to pee quite often to flush whatever it is out of her system.  Not easy today.  I opened the side door of the building and she looked outside and looked at me as if to say "are you crazy".  But she went out and did her pee.  Back to work tomo...


Jeez whiz.  Talking to my neighbor again.  Got to stop doing that.  Annoys the hell out of me.  I am trying to lose a few pounds before my trip.  We were talking about chips (crisps) being my downfall.  She couldn't understand.  She says she eats 3 to 5 chips then puts the bag away.  A bag lasts her a month.  Who in their right mind eats 3 or 5 chips only?  Her daughter inherited a house from her father (ex-husband) and all I hear is We have to get the gutters cleaned.  She has to cut the grass before it rains, she has to do this, blah blah.  She doesn't live with her daughter.  I keep telling her it's the daughters house, but it goes right over her head.  Who died and left you in charge of everyone? Sorry, my little rant for the week. We moved the equivalent of a small office this morning.  Of course, it had to be on the 4th floor.  Up and down 3 flights of stairs numerous times.  Then moving tables ...


OK, this sucks.  They have changed the schedule on TV.  Now they shows I watch are who knows where.  Hate when they do that. Getting cooler here, I actually had to pull the quilt over me last night.  You can smell autumn coming.  I love it.  The weather has been so up and down the last week.  30 on Saturday, 19 today.  Tomorrow is supposed to go up to 27 or 29.  Too bad, because Kayla has been doing so much better with the cooler weather.  Oh, well, it won't last much longer. Made y appointment with the ear doctor.  When I went to get my shot, I asked the doctor about what I could do about me ear problems.  I was told this type of problem caused a lot of trouble when flying.  My reply to that, back in March, was no worries.  I never fly.  Famous last words.  Anyhow, the doctor took a look at my ear and said I should see the specialist again.  So I will go see him and see what he says.  Had a ...


Not a lot happening this weekend.  Finally found an amazing pair of sandals at a really good price.  Never though I was that much of a shoe y hound, but it appears I am. Yesterday was too hot to do anything, and today was threatening rain, so not much to be able to do outside.  I did get to the travel store today.  I bought an adapter and a luggage weigher.  Don't want to go over the limit. Just watching Miss Congeniality.  Love Sandra Bullock.  Saw The Net yesterday.  Really love that movie. Anyhow, not much else going on.  So I will say goodnight.  Have a great week, my friends. TTFN


Just had a talk with my cousin.  She had such a horrible day and I felt bad that I had such a great day.  Her problems were all money related.  While I have times like that, they are few and far between.  She is the type of person that has to have the latest of everything.  I have seen her buy the latest laptop, then within a year she sold it to me and bought the latest model.  Plus I think she has the latest product of every make-up line there is.  It was just funny to realize that my great day was because I finally got a pair of sandals that won't fall apart within a month (and weren't too expensive) and I got my visa for Kenya.  Other than that, not a lot going on.  the weekend is here.  Julie, you guilted me, unintentionally, into starting my housework tonight.  I got rid of a whole pile of stuff.  Great. Have a great weekend, my friends. TTFN


Don't know what happened to me last night, it just got away from me.  Forgot to do a whole pile of things.  No problem.  They will still be there when I get home. :-) Kayla is doing so much better with the cooler weather.  I guess it was just age catching up with her (and me).  Repacked my Nursery suitcase again last night.  I got a bunch of pencils, sharpeners and erasers for the school kids.  A few notebooks too, though I will pick up more.  People from work have been so wonderful with blankets and sunscreen for the babies.  Can't wait, 61 days and 7 hours to go. My son is so sweet.  He called to wish me good luck with the shots.  He is also chipping in whatever my insurance doesn't cover.  Good thing I went, though.  I had someone check out my ear as I had a nasty ear infection that broke the eardrum last October.  The doctor told me this was the type of ear that could give me problems when flying.  I told...


I was thinking tonight, always a dangerous thing for me.  I remember driving home one night, it was about 11:30 and I was stopped at a particularly long red light about a block from my home.  In many places in Quebec, turning right on a red light is permitted as long as there is no traffic from the opposing sides, but not in Montreal, for good reasons.  Anyhow, I am sitting at this red light, no other traffic in sight, thinking I could just go through this and nobody would be the wiser.  Just as I am contemplating this, 5 police cars come from another direction.  Just my luck.  Good thing I didn't make a move.  Yet tonight, I am walking with Kayla and we are crossing, on a crosswalk with the sign for us, and a car stopped.  Just as we were out of the way it ran through the red light on the pedestrian crossing sign.  I guess the rules of the road don't apply to everyone. On another note, I was going through the park with Kayla and we came ac...


Feeling a little blah.  Nadya I am looking at the photo.  Don't know the reason.  Maybe because summer is over.  We get so little of it.  In a way I am happy that it is over and things will be back to normal.  I like the normalcy of routine.  Plus, with everything happening so fast over the next few weeks, my trip will be here in no time.  I am a contradiction, I like normalcy and routine, but hate the repetitiveness of it.  I like my coffee to be ready when I get up in the morning, but hate having to prepare it every night.  Not a lot happening otherwise.  Keep on trucking, my friends. TTFN


O.k.  I know I said I would try to write something every day, but this is making me realize just how boring my life is.  Maybe I will try for every couple of days, or a couple of times a week.  Too depressing.  Today was really quiet.  I got a lot of cleaning done.  Other than that, not much.  It was supposed to rain all day today, but it is 10:00 and still no rain.  Sat out back with a neighbor.  Her ex-husband died a little over a year ago and left his house to their daughter.  She started talking about how her daughter was supposed to be cutting the grass today.  Also on the Labor Day weekend, they would clean the windows on the house and do the garden and clean the gutters.  I reminded her that it was the daughters house and she would do what she wanted when she wanted.  Completely went over her head.  I have often wondered when God died and left her in charge, LOL :-). Other than that, nothing happening....


Not a great start to the day.  Lost my bank card (ATM).  At least I lost it after I got money out of the bank and got all my groceries done.  Will have to go to the bank on Monday and get a replacement.  Cancelled it in good time, too, so no worries about someone finding and using it. Got a little clearing out done today, still seems like a lot of junk to get rid of.  Amazing what you can accumulate.  Nothing much else is happening.  I took Kayla to the canal for a short walk.  She seemed more chipper with the cool weather this morning. Well, I am having a nice relaxing Saturday evening.  O.k. so I don't have a life.  No big deal.  I am content.  Trying to figure out how to save up the extra money I will need to have the private session at the Trust.  Sent them a little donation yesterday to help with the rescue.  Never thought about the cost of these rescues.  Wish I could give more.  Bought a group lot...


Busy day.  Groceries, cleaning, walking the dog.  Weather was weird, beautiful sunshine, then dark clouds and back to sunshine.  A little chilly this morning and not too hot this afternoon.  I like the temperature like that. Kayla seems to be doing much better with the arthritis.  Guess it is the cooler weather.  She was downright frisky this morning. I keep trying to downsize my apartment, get rid of the junk.  It seems the more I get rid of, the more accumulates.  Next week is back to work full time.  Things will start going fast now.  September is always crazy with the classes starting and the new students.  I am down to 66 days in my countdown, so being so busy will make that fly by. Going to do some more cleaning up tonight so I have the weekend free.  Might try to get to the canal tomorrow.  Have a great weekend, my friends. TTFN


I am feeling a little sentimental tonight.  No reason for it, just am.  Maybe it's all the violence going on in London.  Who knows.  But Nadya, I have to thank you.  Everytime I start feeling down, I look at your picture.  This is all it takes to make me feel good again.  Your title of Waitformeeeee is priceless.  I love it.  It lifts my spirits. Starting to get really busy again at the office.  This is good as it makes the days go faster.  I can`t wait to go to Nairobi.  It scares me as I have never traveled anywhere before, but the excitement is indescribable. Anyhow, nothing else much today.  Keep well, my friends.  Keep fighting the good fight. TTFN


I fell off my game last night and was so tired I didn't write anything.  What can I say, first day back after vacation. Work is hell.  Back to the idiots.  I hate having to deal with some new students.  Worse than that, are the students who didn't get into the program they wanted, so they enter through  our program.  Once they do that, they don't even bother to take courses in our program, but the minute they run into trouble, they expect me to take care of everything.  Wasting my time.  Just want to find a dark spot and tell them to fix it themselves. Gained a few pounds during my vacation, so I have decided that every night after dinner, Kayla and I will go for a long walk.  Not too long, about a mile or so.  Better than sitting around watching garbage on TV.  And while the weather stays nice, it is good for her and me. Nothing much else to write about.  Have a great rest of the week, my friends. TTFN


Back to work tomorrow.  Thank the goddess.   If I have a project, I don't mind being on vacation.  But I didn't have a project this time.  It gets boring not having something specific to do. Way too hot and humid today.  Very draining.  We finally got the rain but only later in the evening.  Hopefully it will cool it off for tomorrow.   I know, remind me I said this in January. Noticed that the Trust has not been updating as much as they used to.  I think a lot of it has to do with the Imax Born to be Wild and the Ivory burning.  These have taken top place and everything else seems to be getting pushed aside.  Since the Born to Be Wild was announced, not much other info has been coming through.  I miss all the little tidbits that used to get posted.  I understand that Dame Daphne has had to put in appearances and such, but I miss the background stuff that used to be the norm.  Never thought I would say t...


Not a lot happening today.  We did hit the canal and Kayla went swimming.  It has been really humid here today.  I have all kinds of fans going and they are not helping much.  Was talking to a friend this evening.   Telling her that I couldn't take the heat anymore.  What did she say?  Well, you know, nicotine thins the blood and blah blah blah.   Like what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?   You know, smoking does cause many health problems, but it is not the cause of every problem!  That theory fell through when I told her I hadn't used the patch in a couple of days.  See, You don't know everything. Sorry, just being bitchy.  She is always certain I am wrong no matter what I say.  Told her I saw a couple of widgeons in the pond and she told me it was impossible.  Then she ran into someone who is a birdwatcher and told her there were a couple of widgeons in the pond.  Hmmmmmm....


Some sad news today.  My (not so) little Chemi Chemi is going up to Ithumba in the morning.  While I know this is the best thing for him, I am sad that I won't be able to see him when I go in October.  A little selfish, I know, but he was my first little ele. Didn't do a lot today, this is my last day of vacation.  I still have the weekend but that doesn't really count.   At least I got a lot of little things done.  Going on 8 p.m. and I still haven't had dinner.  The fish is in the oven.  That and a nice pasta salad.  Perfect on a warm summer day.  Woke up with a headache behind one eye.  It pretty much stayed with me all day.  Hate when that happens.  Probably be gone when I wake up in the morning. Took Kayla to the Dairy Queen and got her a nice ice cream cone.  She loves that.  She is actually very dainty when she eats it.  Other than that, nothing going on.  Have a great weekend my fri...


An interesting meeting at City Hall tonight.  They are going to tear down the arena/pool right next door to me and build a whole new complex.  They wanted input from people who live in the area.  It was quite a good meeting, but heavy with people involved with the kids swim team.  But a lot of good ideas exchanged. I am going to have to stop using the patches.  they don't bother me when they are on, but when I take them off, I end up with itchy red welts in the shape of the patch.  Really bothering me.  Even the Benadryl cream is not helping. Three more days and back to work.  Thank goodness.  I couldn't take anymore time off....Actually a neighbor and I (with Kayla) sat out back today.  We had loads of fun.  They blocked off one direction of a major street behind our building, and trying to see people figure out how to navigate was a hoot.  They would do a detour, then end up having to backtrack a couple of blocks.  O...


Watching Kayla today, I have a real gut wrenching reaction.  Each time she gets up, she is hunched and hobbling.  I am hoping when the weather gets cooler, she feels better.  I am gauging her reactions on my feelings.  I am not taking anything for my arthritis so I can gauge how Kayla is feeling.  Sounds weird, I know, but whatever I can take is not good for her.  So I want to be able to figure out what she is feeling. Had a very quiet day.  Nothing much happening.  We did a long walk to the pet store to get Kayla's food.  Sat outside with a neighbor for a while, but other than that, not much.  I did call the fire department today as there are a couple of rooms near me that have me a bit concerned.  It seems these rooms are used as storage for 3 different buildings.  Just doesn't sit comfortably with me. Otherwise, not much happening.  Have a great week my friends. TTFN


It is 9:20 in the morning.  I went to bed around 1 a.m.  Took a bit of time to get to sleep.  Woke up around 3 a.m.  Have been up ever since.  I am so tired and it isn't even noon.  Have tried to sleep, no luck.  Will get a few things done and maybe try to nap this afternoon. Another, lighter, thunder storm this morning.  Today is probably going to be a write-off. In case I do fall asleep early, have a great rest of the week. TTFN


Second week of vacation starting.  Getting a little bored with being home.  Between Kayla and I, we can't do too much.  I'm just sitting here watching the sunrise on the cameras.  Hard to believe I can sit here at nearly midnight and watch a sunrise thousands of miles away.  So cool. We had 3 fantastic thunder storms late this afternoon.  The rain was so hard you couldn't see across the street.  There was small hail too.  Really neat.  My neighbor was down.  I was showing her the picture of Dika and all the orphans.  She said "all I see is a picture, I can't get into them".  She does like animals, but I don't think she would do much of anything to help one.  She is a bit strange. Anyhooo, it is just coming up on midnight, so I have to close down and get to bed.  Have a great week, my friends. TTFN


Another week of vacation to get through.  Woohoo! Went to the canal today.  Not a good idea.  Kayla and I are both limping tonight.  Getting old is a bitch.  Nothing much happening at the canal.  Haven't seen any wildlife.  My heron hasn't been around, no ducks with ducklings, haven't even seen the turtles.  The only picture I have taken is of a dragonfly: Other than that, it has been pretty boring.  I am not complaining, mind you.  Boring can be good once in a while, just not for too long. Not much else to report.  I checked about my baggage with the airline today.  I think I have it all clear.  Luckily my bag that contains the blankets, etc. is about 30 lbs.  I am allowed 50 lbs.  I know my other bag is not going to weigh that much.  So I am going to be OK.  Anyhow, have a great week, my friends.  TTFN


Spent a lovely day.  Didn't do much of anything except rearrange the pictures on my wall.  One wall was not easy as it is completely concrete.  Hard to get the nails in.  I did it though! Got a call from my son today.  Question:  Mom, how much do you love your son? My response: Depends on what he wants. Just a ride to the Costco to get some stuff.  No big deal, an hour and a half this afternoon.  Bought a couple of books from our library.  $1.00 each.  They were Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum series.  It is up to # 17.  I have 14-17, but I really like the early ones, so now I have 3 & 4.  A fun read. I was taking Kayla for a walk in the park tonight.  Saw this 20 something year old doing yoga.  She had herself bent like a pretzel.  I haven't been able to bend like that in years.  Bitch. Hahaha. Just jealous as I hobble around. I will sit here and have a drink and watch Harry Potter and the ...


Not a lot happening today.  went to get dog food, took Kayla to the canal.  Even the short walk on the canal was too much for her.  I am taking it easy. Unfortunately, my arthritis is really acting up right now, so I can't do much.  Kayla and I made quite the sight limping along the canal today. Vacation is a bore.  Gas is so expensive right now, it is not worth going anywhere.  I was going to go visit my cousin in Ottawa, but she is apparently away at a conference in the States.  So I am not going. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. TTFN.


Had a great shopping day, which is weird as I hate shopping.  Other than that, we  took it easy as both Kayla and I are having problems with our arthritis. I decided that I was having real problems with the quitting smoking so I bought the patch.  I know I have an allergy to the patch, but I have Benadryl cream, so I am going to try them together.  I think I have a better chance with them both. Washed all my floors, so I am pretty clear on the housework.  A few things left to do, but not much. Anyhow, all I have to say for today.  Have a great weekend my friends. TTFN


I can't believe this.  The neighbor who snubbed me a couple of days ago started chatting me up today because she needed help figuring out her scanner.  Talk about moxie.  Told her I couldn't help her.  Last night I called her on the building intercom to tell her she left her car window open, She starts telling me that I could have closed it for her.  Even though I kept telling her I thought she had electronic windows, she kept telling me I could have just rolled them up.  NO.  I thought she had electronic windows which means you need to start the car to close them.  Didn't realize they were the roll-up kind.   Then she starts saying how the alarm was set anyhow.  Doesn't have a clue, does she? It was quite cool here this morning, only 19.  So we stayed close to home.  Didn't know if it was going to rain as it was quite cloudy all morning.  Not a very exciting vacation, but better than none. Not much else to say....


I blame being on vacation for not posting yesterday.  Not much has been happening, so there really hasn't been anything to write about Kayla's lump in her leg is getting smaller, yeah!  The weather here has not been very cooperative, so we haven't been able to do much.  I am doing something completely foreign to me.  I am taking it easy. Nothing else much is going on.  I am still nervous about going to Nairobi.  Other than that, nothing much.  God, my life is boring right now.  But then, that is summer.  Not a lot happening.  So, keep well, my friends. Not much else for now.  Stay well and have a great summer. TTFN


I have a neighbor that I have been ??friends?? with for about 20 years now.  This is the type of person that you need to take a step back from every so often so you can recharge in order to deal with them.  Mentally, I don't think she has ever advanced over the age of 16.  She complained to another neighbor that she missed seeing me and talking to me, yet when I ran into her today and said HI, she looked away and completely ignored me.  This is typical of her.  I don't need this shit.  She constantly runs hot and cold.  And, of course, it is all about her.  Nothing much else going on.  I feel so tired today.  I guess it is from the 3 days of extreme heat.  It cooled down quite nicely today, but I feel drained.  But I am on vacation, so it doesn't really matter.  Didn't do a heck of a lot today.  Started watching the Harry Potter movies on DVD from the beginning.  Fun!  I am just trying to keep Kayla calm...


A really lazy day here.  Started off with walking the dog.  Came back, did a few things then walked the dog again.  It is a lot of short walks with the heat right now.  Good thing I am on vacation. My son and I went to see the final Harry Potter today.  A little sad.  this is the end of an era.  We started going to see the movies when they started about 10 years ago.  Now the last one has aired.  At least he made a date with me and we went to see it together.  Nothing much else happening.  I think it may be a slow couple of weeks.  Can't go to my cousin's place because she has a young dog that likes to leap on Kayla.  Kayla tried to run with a couple of dogs at the canal and ended up limping later, so I think the leg still needs rest. Just had my 10th bath since Thursday.  The heat is supposed to break tonight.  It is supposed to go down to a wonderful 18 degrees.  Great for sleeping. Wouldn't it be...


OK, I slipped.  I got rid of the package and am starting over.  Don't know what happened.  Just had to have one, or two.  But that is it. Kayla and I went to the canal early this morning before the heat arrived.  She swam for about a half hour then met 2 other dogs on our way back.  She played for a few minutes and then we came home.  I guess she still needs to rest her leg, she was limping a bit when we got back.  I got some work done in the house.  Don't know why I didn't think of this yesterday when it was so bad, but the next time I had to take her out, I hosed her down in the tub with cool water.  When we went out she wasn't panting half as bad as yesterday.  Granted yesterday was like 95% humidity, today had barely any and a nice breeze, but I think she felt better being wet. Had a great dinner.  I made a cold pasta salad with little green peas.  I topped it with  a cucumber dressing which I jazzed up with...


Weekend and holiday.  Two weeks no work.  Yahoo!  I can get to all the little things I never get around to. Can't believe this.  I found a blanket my son left here when he moved out 5 or 6 years ago.  Actually it was in the locker, so I decided to wash it and bring it to the DSWT.  It is on its 4th washing and the water is still coming out brown.  Eeeew.  I am determined to get it clean. So hot today.  I almost fell asleep at my desk.  Even with the fans, it is no better.  Gave Kayla her bowl of ice cream.  Can anyone explain why dogs don't get brain freeze when they gobble ice cream?   Let her go into the pond in the park a couple of times.  Seemed to help her cool down.  If we do the canal tomorrow, it will probably be early.  As I sit her complaining about  the heat, I can't help but think of how the animals cope with this. I am also a bad girl.  I sit here smoking a cigarette, which ...


Oh, wow.  Just finished reading A Dog's Purpose.  Story is all told by the dog(s).  It is actually the story of only one dog who keeps getting reincarnated 3 times.  The story is a little banal at first, but the last half is incredible.  I went through at least a dozen tissues.  So beautiful.  Better than Marley and Me. I have a neighbor that used to work in a library.  She has often recommended books to me.  I brought her up the book I just finished.  A week ago she told me she had read the reviews and it looked really good.  I handed it to her and she told me it wasn't a book that really interested her.  Huh?  Talk about your mixed messages.  She also doesn't understand why I buy books and don't just go to the library.  I feel like books are good friends that you can pull out and read again.  When I get  a book I read it voraciously, then the next time I read it, I do it more slowly and capture what...


Well, started off the day real good.  Unlocked my bike to find I had a flat tire.  Not just any tire, the back one that has the gear attached to it.  Oily chain, etc..  Lovely.  Had to walk to the nearest store, buy a new tube, and change the tire.  Of course, I couldn't get the brake cable back on.  Luckily, I talked to one of the guys at work that do various repairs.  Just wanted to borrow an allen key.  He ended up coming over and fixing it for me.  THANK YOU!  I had enough grease on my hands this morning. Only a couple of more days and then I am on vacation for 2 weeks.  YES!  Sleeping in (is 8:30 sleeping in?)  Walks along the canal with Kayla.  I love it. It is officially 90 days until I leave for Kenya.  I am getting so excited.  Just have to do my Visa application.  Lots of time for that.  I just know that I am going to burst out crying when I see all the babies.  How is it so...

Monday a.m.

I didn't post anything last night.  We had a thunderstorm with high wind and I had a neighbor sitting in my apartment.  She is afraid of wind.  So, nothing got done. Got my shots this morning.  Not too bad.  Still, I'm a big baby when it comes to needles.  Don't like them. It was really too hot to do anything much yesterday, so Kayla and I just chilled in the apartment.  We took lots of short walks.  Finished up with all the sculptures, now I can bubble wrap them and put the safely away so nothing happens to them.  Kayla already knocked one of my Muddy Butts off the shelf.  It is all fixed up now and on a higher shelf where her tail can't reach. Ah, Monday.  Really hate Monday mornings.  The afternoons aren't too bad.  But I forgot to bring my lunch today, so I will have to go "forage for food". Jade and Rudy, playing with the water. Kayla about 8 weeks old.   Pooh Bear, Jade, Brother and ...