Christmas is over
Well, Christmas is over and done for another year. What will 2012 bring? The gods only know. I was watching Afrucam today and saw a breeding herd of eles. They were magnificent. Then I thought of all the babies at DSWT who would never have the opportunities these eles had. It broke my heart.
It was then I thought of the injustice. Asian ele females do not have tusks. If the African ele females didn't have tusks, the eles would stand a chance. Humanity boggles the mind sometimes.
For 2012, I am trying to: a) quit smoking for good. b) lose the 20 lbs I have put on this year. Not too difficult, right It's going to be hell. Although I have a neighbor who has started a business as a personal trainer, and he is not too expensive. Plus he is doing the training just down the hall from my apartment, so I think I will hire him. Not walking as much with Kayla this year has really put on the weight. Have got to lose it.
All in all, 2011 was a pretty good year. Made many new friends on FB. Got to see the eles. I haven't really had anything terrible happen. Had a few bad spots, but got over them. Apologies for my blue spots. I am normally a very happy person. This year did bring a few bad spots. I blame it on menopause. That's my story and I am sticking to it. :-)
I wish everyone a very happy, prosperous and succesful new year for 2012. May all your dreams come true.
Have a great New Year.
It was then I thought of the injustice. Asian ele females do not have tusks. If the African ele females didn't have tusks, the eles would stand a chance. Humanity boggles the mind sometimes.
For 2012, I am trying to: a) quit smoking for good. b) lose the 20 lbs I have put on this year. Not too difficult, right It's going to be hell. Although I have a neighbor who has started a business as a personal trainer, and he is not too expensive. Plus he is doing the training just down the hall from my apartment, so I think I will hire him. Not walking as much with Kayla this year has really put on the weight. Have got to lose it.
All in all, 2011 was a pretty good year. Made many new friends on FB. Got to see the eles. I haven't really had anything terrible happen. Had a few bad spots, but got over them. Apologies for my blue spots. I am normally a very happy person. This year did bring a few bad spots. I blame it on menopause. That's my story and I am sticking to it. :-)
I wish everyone a very happy, prosperous and succesful new year for 2012. May all your dreams come true.
Have a great New Year.