We have had the most fantastic fall so far. These are photos of the sunset a couple of nights ago. Absolutely amazing. Temperatures in the high 50s low 60s. Can't believe we are half way through November and I am still able to wear my sandals.

Then we had a couple of days of rain and gray skies. We are supposed to get snow later this week. But a couple of days ago, I stopped into a store and got a great deal on a pair of winter boots. Usually sell for $120 and got them for $53 on sale. 

I guess all good things must come to an end. At least now I am prepared. 

I have also finished my Christmas shopping. Might pick up a couple of other things, but am finished for the most part. 

Crappy, though, that a boss I really liked got fired a week and a half ago. I miss her. I am now stuck with a boss who I don't mind, but didn't really like. Our workplace has gotten really toxic. One worker, who is a POC, accuses everyone of racism whenever she doesn't get her own way. So sad. I truly believe she is mentally unstable. 

Well, like the Chinese curse goes, "May you live in interesting times". I guess it is my turn for a while. LOL.


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