Well, 10 months in from my shoulder. Can't believe it still isn't totally healed. Got to keep on with the exercises.

Work is totally fucked up. Don't know where to go anymore. So tired of company politics. But who knew old age would be so profitable. Collecting Old Age Security and Provincial Retirement. Even with taxes taken off, still will be of help. Maybe I can start looking for that new car soon? 

Not much else to talk about. Life is kind of boring right now. Same old, same old. Look for the bright spots, people. Enjoy the sunsets, or sunrises. Me, I like to look at the watch the ducks in the park. Interesting to see the interactions of the males and females. Probably going to have lots of ducklings soon. 

Anyhow, in these tough times, be kind to others, but also be kind to yourselves. Be good to each other and take care of you. 

Love to all.


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