Bad Mommy

O.K. I'm a bad mommy.  Kayla has been licking herself quite a bit for a few months now.  I never really checked it out properly.  Tonight I did, and she has licked herself bald.  She has a major hot spot in her rear "armpit".  Poor girl.  I have put hydrocortisone on it for now, but have to figure out how to stop her from licking herself.  It just makes it worse.  I think with all the wet we have been having it has irritated her even more.  Have to keep her very dry.  A cool tea bag rub to relieve irritation, a good rub with the towel. 

It has been a busy, but quiet week.  A lot of things that have to be done, but no students, so it has been quiet.  I can't believe it is only 2 weeks until Christmas.  I am not even nearly ready.  Thank goodness for all the things I picked up in Nairobi, that's what everyone is getting. 

Had a bit of a bad patch this week, too many horror stories with the animals.  But I have regrouped.  I think I am back to normal now.  

Am seriously starting to save for my next trip.  My other childhood dream was Australia.  Julie, I am coming.  It might take a while, but I am coming.

Anyhow, Saturday night and I am sitting here and watching Harry Potter.  Boring.  But there is nothing on TV.   Have more cleaning to do tomorrow, but hey.  The mess isn't going anywhere.  Have a great week, my friends.



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