
I have gotten out of the habit of writing here lately.  No problem.  Gets boring reporting day to day stuff anyhow.  My life is not that exciting.  Ha ha.

I am about 90% over my cold.  Hate being sick.  Of course nobody likes to be sick.  Have you ever noticed that when you are sick, it feels sooooo good to wash your hair.  Don't know why, it just does.

Discovered Kayla managed to steal a large bag, half full, of freeze dried liver treats.  I wondered why her tummy was off.  Little dickens.  I wonder if this behavior is because I went away.  She has only done this since I got back.  Her little rebellion.

Anyhow, have a great week ahead, my friends.



Julie M said…
Please don't stop writing Belinda, I enjoy reading about your day. Your life is just the same as the majority of us, get up, go to work, come home, lol. I'm sure you were only sick because of the travel and the different temperature changes you experienced. Also the A/Con in the plane. Kayla's tummy must be going round and round. Jackie can only have a couple of small pieces before she gets the runs. I wonder if Greg fed her treats while you were away. Maybe she was making up for lost time, now she is paying for it. Julie

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