
Well, I have been back over a week now.  Nairobi almost seems like a dream.  Work was insane after 2 weeks off.  Starting to think about Christmas.  A little poor this year, but I will manage.  With all the saving I did this year, I didn't do my shopping like I usually do.  People will understand.

So much to do, but just can't get motivated.  I keep clearing out the clutter, and it miraculously reappears a short time later.  Have to look at new ways of doing things.  This one isn't working. 

I'm kind of like the bears, as winter approaches, I start wanting to hibernate.  Impossible with a dog.  Kayla is loving the colder weather.  I just need to get acclimated to it.  Same every year.  The first few really cold days always come as a shock.  Soon I will come to think of 1 degree as a warm spell. :-)

Anyhow, not much else happening.  Hope all is well with you.  Have a great weekend, my friends.



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