
Some sad news today.  My (not so) little Chemi Chemi is going up to Ithumba in the morning.  While I know this is the best thing for him, I am sad that I won't be able to see him when I go in October.  A little selfish, I know, but he was my first little ele.

Didn't do a lot today, this is my last day of vacation.  I still have the weekend but that doesn't really count.   At least I got a lot of little things done.  Going on 8 p.m. and I still haven't had dinner.  The fish is in the oven.  That and a nice pasta salad.  Perfect on a warm summer day. 

Woke up with a headache behind one eye.  It pretty much stayed with me all day.  Hate when that happens.  Probably be gone when I wake up in the morning.

Took Kayla to the Dairy Queen and got her a nice ice cream cone.  She loves that.  She is actually very dainty when she eats it. 

Other than that, nothing going on.  Have a great weekend my friends.



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