
I fell off my game last night and was so tired I didn't write anything.  What can I say, first day back after vacation.

Work is hell.  Back to the idiots.  I hate having to deal with some new students.  Worse than that, are the students who didn't get into the program they wanted, so they enter through  our program.  Once they do that, they don't even bother to take courses in our program, but the minute they run into trouble, they expect me to take care of everything.  Wasting my time.  Just want to find a dark spot and tell them to fix it themselves.

Gained a few pounds during my vacation, so I have decided that every night after dinner, Kayla and I will go for a long walk.  Not too long, about a mile or so.  Better than sitting around watching garbage on TV.  And while the weather stays nice, it is good for her and me.

Nothing much else to write about.  Have a great rest of the week, my friends.



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