
Not a great start to the day.  Lost my bank card (ATM).  At least I lost it after I got money out of the bank and got all my groceries done.  Will have to go to the bank on Monday and get a replacement.  Cancelled it in good time, too, so no worries about someone finding and using it.

Got a little clearing out done today, still seems like a lot of junk to get rid of.  Amazing what you can accumulate.  Nothing much else is happening.  I took Kayla to the canal for a short walk.  She seemed more chipper with the cool weather this morning.

Well, I am having a nice relaxing Saturday evening.  O.k. so I don't have a life.  No big deal.  I am content.  Trying to figure out how to save up the extra money I will need to have the private session at the Trust.  Sent them a little donation yesterday to help with the rescue.  Never thought about the cost of these rescues.  Wish I could give more.  Bought a group lottery ticket for last night, but all I got was a bunch of free plays.  But if you don't play, you can't win.  I keep hoping.

Anyhow, I hope everyone has a lovely end of the weekend and a great week next week.  Take care, my friends.



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