
Back to work tomorrow.  Thank the goddess.   If I have a project, I don't mind being on vacation.  But I didn't have a project this time.  It gets boring not having something specific to do.

Way too hot and humid today.  Very draining.  We finally got the rain but only later in the evening.  Hopefully it will cool it off for tomorrow.   I know, remind me I said this in January.

Noticed that the Trust has not been updating as much as they used to.  I think a lot of it has to do with the Imax Born to be Wild and the Ivory burning.  These have taken top place and everything else seems to be getting pushed aside.  Since the Born to Be Wild was announced, not much other info has been coming through.  I miss all the little tidbits that used to get posted.  I understand that Dame Daphne has had to put in appearances and such, but I miss the background stuff that used to be the norm.  Never thought I would say that I am sick of hearing about the movie.

Anyhow, have a great week, my friends.  Stay healthy and strong.



Julie M said…
I do hope that you enjoyed your first day back at work but I am sure that Kayla would have missed your company. Do you leave her in your apartment when you are at work? I also had noticed the lack of the regular updates and I so miss them. I really enjoy all the little tidbits like you. Been and looked after Sienna for a few hours this afternoon. She was her usual sweet self even though her teeth are worrying her. We went shopping and she has many admirers. She slept for an hour, I bathed her, gave her her bottle and Rob was home from TAFE then. He is 24 tomorrow and the three of us and Sienna are going to one of the local pubs that has a very good bistro. Saturday night is the night out with all the family to celebrate. He thinks he is old, poor old fella. Enjoy being back at work. Stay strong with your project to give up. Hope Kayla is Ok as well. xoxox
Belinda said…
Yes, Kayla stays home. I tried bringing her to the office once and she wouldn't let anyone in! Plus, my new boss is terrified of big dogs. Kayla is 90 lbs.

Teething was the worst part of babyhood. Poor things, not much you can do for them. My cousin's husband put me on to giving Greg a cold raw carrot. Hard, cold and good for them. That seemed to help.

He thinks he's old at 24? What's he going to do when he gets to be our age? :-)

Hope you had a good night at the pub. Take care all.
Hugs to Sienna (love the name).

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