
I was thinking tonight, always a dangerous thing for me.  I remember driving home one night, it was about 11:30 and I was stopped at a particularly long red light about a block from my home.  In many places in Quebec, turning right on a red light is permitted as long as there is no traffic from the opposing sides, but not in Montreal, for good reasons.  Anyhow, I am sitting at this red light, no other traffic in sight, thinking I could just go through this and nobody would be the wiser.  Just as I am contemplating this, 5 police cars come from another direction.  Just my luck.  Good thing I didn't make a move.  Yet tonight, I am walking with Kayla and we are crossing, on a crosswalk with the sign for us, and a car stopped.  Just as we were out of the way it ran through the red light on the pedestrian crossing sign.  I guess the rules of the road don't apply to everyone.

On another note, I was going through the park with Kayla and we came across an elderly woman in a wheelchair.  When Kayla was dumped at the rescue she was fostered by an elderly woman.  Kayla went up to the wheelchair and did this leaning thing into the elderly woman.  The woman got this wonderful glow on her face as she patted Kayla.  I am so lucky, Kayla seems to have a strong liking towards children and the elderly.  Made me feel so good to be able to put a smile on this woman's face.  She apparently had a strong love towards dogs but couldn't have one where she is staying.  I love my Kayla. 

Nothing else much happening.  Work, boring tasks, and home.  I really need to get a life.  But at least there is nothing really drastic going on.  Kayla seems to be getting better.

Have a great rest of the week, my friends.



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