
I am feeling a little sentimental tonight.  No reason for it, just am.  Maybe it's all the violence going on in London.  Who knows.  But Nadya, I have to thank you.  Everytime I start feeling down, I look at your picture.
 This is all it takes to make me feel good again.  Your title of Waitformeeeee is priceless.  I love it.  It lifts my spirits.

Starting to get really busy again at the office.  This is good as it makes the days go faster.  I can`t wait to go to Nairobi.  It scares me as I have never traveled anywhere before, but the excitement is indescribable.

Anyhow, nothing else much today.  Keep well, my friends.  Keep fighting the good fight.



ocelot_eyes said…
Awww - thank you!!!! :)

Your time in Nairobi is going to be amazing. I've been watching "Elephant Diaries" series and thinking of you - you're going to see the ellies!! :)

Belinda said…
YEAH! going to see my babies. it is getting closer and I am so excited.

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