
Not a lot happening today.  went to get dog food, took Kayla to the canal.  Even the short walk on the canal was too much for her.  I am taking it easy. Unfortunately, my arthritis is really acting up right now, so I can't do much.  Kayla and I made quite the sight limping along the canal today.

Vacation is a bore.  Gas is so expensive right now, it is not worth going anywhere.  I was going to go visit my cousin in Ottawa, but she is apparently away at a conference in the States.  So I am not going.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.



Julie M said…
Fuel as we call it is $1.40 per litre aus dollars at the moment not sure how this compares with your gas price. There have been times when it has been as high as $2 per litre. I take it you will be happy to be back at work. I am not a holiday person, I like my home and my usual routine and whenever we are going away I always think I wish I was coming home. I am the only one who feels this way. Although both my boys feel the same but my husband and daugher just love to be going somewhere. Lauren plans to have 2015 off work and travel extensively for 12 months. I have a hard time being away from here for two weeks, so wish her luck.
Belinda said…
The fuel sounds about the same as here. They promised they wouldn't gouge the consumers at holiday time, but they are. I can stand about 1 week of holiday, then I get bored and want to get back to work. I like my routine also. This is the first year I haven't gone to my cousins, and I am enjoying it. But it is exhausting trying to find busy work.
Julie M said…
Our fuel or petrol rises in price always before public holidays, long week ends, christmas and easter. There are days of the week that is more expensive than other as well. Friday is always more expensive leading into the week end. All governments are the same. The battler has to keep on battling.

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