
Well, I am trying it again.  Hope this time I can quit smoking.  No, I will quit this time.  Gosh, I've been smoking for about 40 years.  It would be nice to wake up and not hear my breath rattling.  I'm o.k. when I am busy, it's when I don't have much to do that I start reaching for one.  Can't keep any in the house anywhere.  I CAN DO THIS.

My friends on FB are going to help me.  I have asked them to nag at me.  This will help a lot. I really appreciate Facebook, it has connected me with so many wonderful people.  So many differences, opinions, feelings.  I love it.

Was thinking that any money I don't spend in Nairobi will go right back into a savings account and hopefully I can stay for longer next year.  Something to really look forward to.

Have my appointment to get my shots on the 18th. Looking forward to it, NOT.

The Trust has a new baby, sweet Mumbushi.  He must have seen such atrocities, but he is trusting the keepers already.  I plan to adopt him as soon as he is available.  I love his spunk, his will to live.  That horrible gash on his face from the machete didn't kill his spirit.

Not much else to talk about today.  Had a very boring meeting, at least they provided lunch.  One more day of work, then the weekend.  Have a great day tomorrow everyone.



ocelot_eyes said…
I'm so proud of you for your journey to quit smoking!! You will be a happier and healthier person, though it is going to be difficult, it will be worth it!

Also think of it this way: money you don't spend on cigarettes, can be spent on elephants! ;)

I saw the update about poor Mumbushi and his wound - it reminded me of poor sweet Murka all over again. But Mumbushi seems to be settling in well already.
And they rescued a new female just the other day!

It's exciting to hear about new rescued ellies, but also it's good when there are no rescues.. they haven't had any for some months, until these last couple weeks.

They are amazing people - they inspire me SO, so much.

When I was gathering references for my mammoth painting, looking at the pictures of the poor baby mammoths that the scientists are so happy to study... from a scientific point of view, the information that the well-preserved baby mammoths Dima and Lyuba provide is AMAZING, but I wish there was an Ice Age equivalent of the DSWT! I can't help wishing that someone could have rescued those babies from their fates.
It's why I want to paint the mammoths alive and well in their own environment - I want to create a picture where they are happy. :)

(I keep forgetting that Google/Blogger doesn't show my name on here)
Belinda said…
Thanks, Nadya. The encouragement I am getting from everyone helps a lot.

I know what you mean about the babies. I was thinking that there hadn't been any new ones in so long, and suddenly there are 3.

Your talent for recreating the zebras and the mammoth is amazing. Love the work. Just beautiful.

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