
Oooops, it is actually Tuesday.  I posted on FB that it was nearly 10 p.m. and I would be going to bed shortly as I had a very restless night before.  Next thing I knew it was 11:30.  I must have fallen asleep watching Master Chef.   Took the dog for a very quick walk, then went to bed. 

Well, I think I am making good progress on quitting smoking.  I had a couple of drags this morning, a friend offered me a smoke.  I lit it, took 2 puffs and had to give it back to them.  I got so dizzy and nauseous, so it must be starting to take affect.  I really believe I can do it this time.  I have never gone this long on my own without some kind of aid like the patch (which I am now allergic to) or the pill (which makes me sick).   Only use the Nicorette gum maybe once a day. 

Anyhow, I have student due very shortly.  So I better get to work. 



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