
A really lazy day here.  Started off with walking the dog.  Came back, did a few things then walked the dog again.  It is a lot of short walks with the heat right now.  Good thing I am on vacation.

My son and I went to see the final Harry Potter today.  A little sad.  this is the end of an era.  We started going to see the movies when they started about 10 years ago.  Now the last one has aired.  At least he made a date with me and we went to see it together. 

Nothing much else happening.  I think it may be a slow couple of weeks.  Can't go to my cousin's place because she has a young dog that likes to leap on Kayla.  Kayla tried to run with a couple of dogs at the canal and ended up limping later, so I think the leg still needs rest.

Just had my 10th bath since Thursday.  The heat is supposed to break tonight.  It is supposed to go down to a wonderful 18 degrees.  Great for sleeping.

Wouldn't it be lovely if I won the lottery tonight.  Think of all the great things I could do for the eles.  Maybe some day.

I will sign off now.  Not much else to say.  Keep well, everyone.



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