
I seem to have lost a cat!  Woke up this morning and she didn't come for breakfast.  There is a hole in my window screen.  She has never been outdoors.  I am not going to panic yet, she might turn up when she gets hungry.  I hope so.  Of course, the dog who is so great at finding things outside doesn't even sniff when I say Find Jade.

Did my groceries, hung some pictures, washed the kitchen curtains. Did that all this morning while it was still cool.  Still lots to do, but it is so warm, I just can't get motivated to move.  Maybe I will wait until the sun goes down a bit and then get the rest of my work done.

A p.s. I have been around the area about 6 times today calling for Jade, but have not been able to find her.  I hope she comes back soon.

Have yourselves a great weekend, everyone.



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