
Had a great shopping day, which is weird as I hate shopping.  Other than that, we  took it easy as both Kayla and I are having problems with our arthritis.

I decided that I was having real problems with the quitting smoking so I bought the patch.  I know I have an allergy to the patch, but I have Benadryl cream, so I am going to try them together.  I think I have a better chance with them both.

Washed all my floors, so I am pretty clear on the housework.  A few things left to do, but not much.

Anyhow, all I have to say for today.  Have a great weekend my friends.



Julie M said…
I hate shopping too. I like to know what I want, go directly to the shop that sells it, buy it and get the hell out of there quick smart. Good thing that you and Kayla are suffering the effects of ageing at the same time. You can sympathise with each other.
Belinda said…
Julie, you sound like you could be my sister, we both feel the same way. Yes, I keep telling Kayla to suck it up, if I can put up with it, she can.

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