The real Tuesday

Not much happening anywhere.  Everyone at the University is away on vacation, students have gone home, except for the newly accepted students who have to come see me.  But I get the bulk of those in March and April.  Of course, nobody has sent me their outline, I can see them all coming in the week classes start.

Bought the new Janet Evanovich book today, so I'm all set for reading for a day or 2.  The last two she did were a little boring, so I hope this one is better.  It has good characters, though.

Kayla's swelling has gone down to at least half its size, so she must have strained something.  The vet thought it might have been a huge lipoma and wanted to try the medicine to see if it would do anything.  It did, so we don't have to worry about surgery to remove anything.

Two more days of work, then the weekend.  I think we will be able to do the short walk at the canal this weekend.  Yay.

I think I am doing it this time.  I don't know why quitting smoking has always been such a big deal before.  Maybe I shouldn't count my chickens before they hatch, but it is going well.  Must keep it up.  Must keep it up.  Must keep it up.

Have a great rest of the week, my friends.



Julie M said…
I agree. You must keep it up, you must keep it up, you must keep it up. Aren't you saving money? you must reward yourself with something special in another couple of months. I'm sure you won't have touched another one. So happy that your baby Kayla is healing well. Keep up the positive thinking it is extra good for your well being.

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