
I can't believe this.  The neighbor who snubbed me a couple of days ago started chatting me up today because she needed help figuring out her scanner.  Talk about moxie.  Told her I couldn't help her.  Last night I called her on the building intercom to tell her she left her car window open, She starts telling me that I could have closed it for her.  Even though I kept telling her I thought she had electronic windows, she kept telling me I could have just rolled them up.  NO.  I thought she had electronic windows which means you need to start the car to close them.  Didn't realize they were the roll-up kind.   Then she starts saying how the alarm was set anyhow.  Doesn't have a clue, does she?

It was quite cool here this morning, only 19.  So we stayed close to home.  Didn't know if it was going to rain as it was quite cloudy all morning.  Not a very exciting vacation, but better than none.

Not much else to say.  Knees are hurting (damn arthritis), so I am going to take a couple of Tylenol and head to bed soon.



Julie M said…
I have neighbours like that right next door. We haven't had anything to do with in years, but then they don't have anything to do with anyone in the street. This morning there was an ambulance out the front. I suppose they could use some assistance now, he is in his eighties and she her seventies. Their children rarely visit. Sometimes it is difficult doing someone a good turn. In the cities here people just walk past others who could obviously do with some assistance, too afraid of repercussions to help I suppose. 19 would be good 5 - 6 this morning here, sun is out but still chilly. Years ago our boys had a basketball hoop above the garage door (I live in a cul-d-sac up the end in the turning part so all the houses are stepped back, our garage is in line with their front door)the ball used to go over their fence into their fenced off back yard. I would tell the boys just go to the front door, be polite and ask if it would be alright if they went into the back and retrieved the basketball. The lady was very rude to them (what do you want type of comment when she opened the door) eventually he started to throw the ball back over the fence and it had splits???? in it which he said the dog had done (small scottish terrier). Ross said he had slashed it with a knife he thought. After the demise of a few balls Ross relocated the hoop around the back (not as good a position though) and we haven't had anything else to do with them. No arguments, just don't communicate. Can't be bothered with people like this.
ocelot_eyes said…
Uhhh, the crazy person wanted you to go into her car and close the window? Who in their right mind does that? You were being considerate to let her know, and a normal person might have simply said thanks...

Sorry that you have to deal with these people :(

Belinda said…
What can I say? She has 2 sons, both moved to the other side of the world as soon as they finished school and rarely come home. I've known her for over 20 years. She is the type of person you don't tell anything to unless you want the whole city to know about it. Every few years I've had to step back from her as she just sucks the energy out of you. This year I have had it with her hot/cold attitude. And of course she knows everything and you know nothing, when you can get a word in edgewise.

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