
Took Kayla to the canal early this morning before it got too hot.  We just walked slowly with lots of rest and I let her stand in the water.  She seemed to really like that.  Poor girl wanted to play with a couple of other dogs, but I couldn't let her.

When we got home, a neighbor suggested we sit out for a while, so back out we went for another couple of hours.  I am going to sleep tonight!  Kayla is already in her crate sound asleep.  I keep her crate in the living room with no door on it so she just goes in and out as she wants.

I'm not doing to bad with quitting smoking.  I think I will actually make it this time.  Yeah!

Think I am going to go relax in a nice bath now.  Need to wash off the sunscreen.  Back to work tomorrow.  It's 81 degrees out right now, and tomorrow is supposed to go up to 101.  The sunshine was great this weekend.   Supposed to rain tomorrow evening and that's fine.

Have a great week, everyone.



Julie M said…
So happy to hear you are going well with your campaign to give up smoking. You must be a very determined person, very admirable. Keep up the good work.

Julie M
Belinda said…
Thank you, Julie. Appreciate the support.
Julie M said…
How are you handling going without the cigarettes Belinda? We haven't talked about it for a day or so and I have been thinking about you. I trust it is becoming a little easier to bear and that your strength and determination are holding up for you. Keep doing well please. xx Julie
Belinda said…
Julie, I am going to make it this time. All the help has been great. A backslide or 2, but nothing I can't handle. Right now it is the mental aspect. Got to stop getting thoughts of having a cigarette. Once I overcome that, I have made it.
Julie M said…
I am so happy for you that you are confident you will be successful this time round. I have never smoked so I don't really know, but isn't there a receptor in your brain that keeps telling you that you need a cigarette because of the addiction to nicotine? I know that Champix works by turning off that receptor (from what I read in the boss's paperwork from the Pharmacy)Once that no longer happens you will be fine I'm positive of that.
Belinda said…
Yes Julie, the Champix turns off the receptor. But I found that I smoked more when I was taking it. Plus there were the nightmares and weird thoughts. At least with the patch (which I was allergic to) I didn't feel the urge to smoke. Plus, the pill had all these warnings of "thoughts of suicide" which worried me. I think the only true way is cold turkey. And I am going to do it.
Julie M said…
Yes I have friends who couldn't take it, they had the nightmares. My boss kept laughing about driving off a cliff because of the possibility of suicidal thoughts. I am not a lover of taking pills so I agree with you cold turkey is the best way and you are doing it. Well done.

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