Monday a.m.

I didn't post anything last night.  We had a thunderstorm with high wind and I had a neighbor sitting in my apartment.  She is afraid of wind.  So, nothing got done.

Got my shots this morning.  Not too bad.  Still, I'm a big baby when it comes to needles.  Don't like them.

It was really too hot to do anything much yesterday, so Kayla and I just chilled in the apartment.  We took lots of short walks.  Finished up with all the sculptures, now I can bubble wrap them and put the safely away so nothing happens to them.  Kayla already knocked one of my Muddy Butts off the shelf.  It is all fixed up now and on a higher shelf where her tail can't reach.

Ah, Monday.  Really hate Monday mornings.  The afternoons aren't too bad.  But I forgot to bring my lunch today, so I will have to go "forage for food".
Jade and Rudy, playing with the water.
Kayla about 8 weeks old.


Pooh Bear, Jade, Brother and Rudy. 2 brothers, 2 sisters

E.J. and his teddy bear.

Went through my old photo album over the weekend.  Gosh, the memories.  E.J. was alive when the 4 kittens were found.  He died almost a year later at 11 years old.  Rudy died about 3 years ago from a blood clot.  The others are all still going strong. 

Anyhoo, TTFN


Julie M said…
How is your arm now? not still tender I hope. I wish it was hot or at the very least warm here. 5 degrees this morning. I have taken my Dad up to the local hospital this morning. He has a rather large skin cancer on the back of his head. Nasty looking thing all weepy. He is in the short stay section to have it removed as well as another couple of his face and hopefully should be able to come home this afternoon. He will stay with me overnight. Tomorrow we have a funeral to attend, Mum's sisters husband passed away last Friday he was 83. My cousin Rosemary is in Italy on holiday and no one has been able to make contact with her. When she returns her father will have died and been buried. Mondays are my least favourite day of the week also. It takes me all day to get over being weary from the week end. The photo of EJ and his teddy is lovely, he has such a happy face. Julie
Belinda said…
Julie, I am so sorry for your loss. I hope your sister gets the message. I hate Mondays also. Never could ease into them.

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