A very sad day. My smallest and youngest elephant has died.
This is Mumbushi with Abdi, the keeper who helped with the rescue. Poor baby, only a couple of months old and he saw his mother killed, had his head slashed with a machete, other various cuts and stuff on him. A day later and look how trusting he is of Abdi. Can't even begin to describe how heartborken I am over the news.
Definitely booking the private time at the Trust for October. Although the evening visits will be nice, you can't really be near the babies except through the fence of their stable. So I will pay the money and be able to touch and hug them.
Love you, Mumbushi. So sorry, baby, for what humans did to you. Rest in peace, angel. You are with your mama again.
This person , B, is really starting to bug me. So shallow, it's irritating. Have decided to hide their posts. Otherwise I might say something I don't want to.
Anyhow, enough sadness for today. Have a great rest of the week, my friends.
A little less than 2 hours and I have a long weekend. Yeah, it's supposed to rain most of it. Oh well.