Can't stop crying.

Mika is just breaking my heart.  She is such a sweet girl.  She is sitting in the crate crying to be let out.  I sit beside the crate and pet her, she is all over me.  But she wants out, and I have to be careful of her movement.  She has always been a lively girl, this must be killing her.  $500 to find out htey are not sure what is wrong with her.  They are taking a guess and putting her on medication.  I hope it works.  If not, ......

It has been a hell of a weekend.  My worries are for her.  I made a chart of her medication as it is so complicated what I have to give her.  This will keep me on track.

Anyhow, not a lot else happening.  I am keeping up with my training.  Hopefully it will make me more stronger.

Have a great week, my friends.


I am truly sorry for this posting, but I am having  a very hard time dealing with this.  Mika is sounding so pathetic and I am heartbroken that I can't let her out.  As much as I call her Queen bitch and pain in the ass, she is important to me.  I do love her, and it is breaking my heart that she is in the position she is in.  I want to do more, but she does not like being cuddled and I don't know if it would be painful for her.   Please let the meds take effect and fix her.


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