
Such a beautiful day.  Quite warm, so Kayla and I went to the canal.  She had a lot of fun.  She still has a bit of a tummy problem, so I am making up a pumpkin/ginger puree.  It is so good for her.

I really have to start thinking about moving.  I have a neighbor who thinks she has to run everyone's life.  I blew up a little at her today.  She keeps telling me I have to tell this other person (I'll call her C) that I am going to Nairobi.  I have barely said more than hello to C in over a year.  So this morning my neighbor tells me she told the C that I am going.  Said C had to know and I should have told her.  Blew up at that.  C has been on a few trips and never mentioned them to me, and didn't have to.  Why do I have to tell every little detail of my life?  Had enough of these so-called well-intentioned people in my life.  I guess I have outgrown them, we have very little in common any more.  The first neighbor is the one who thinks I am crazy for fostering the eles and going to Nairobi.  After 35 years in the same place, I think it is time for a change.  My rent is just so cheap, though, and the location is so great.

Anyhow, just having a lazy Sunday afternoon, other than making the puree for Kayla.  Think I will go take a nice, relaxing bath.  9 days and a few hours left.  So looking forward to it.

Have a great week ahead, my friends.  Be well.


Someone posted this on FB.  So wise:
The wisdom of forgiving. It does not mean giving license to people to do the same mistakes and hurt you over and over again. It is an act of releasing the emotions of pain they have caused and remembering never to let them take away your peace again. - by Dodinsky,


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