
I continue to be completely amazed by the human race.  You would think that I would be accustomed to it by now. 

I heard from one of my colleagues that they overheard someone in St. Jean, where we went to help with the clean up, Maudit anglaise (f*(&ing english).  Ah, Quebec, what a place to live.

Then you have the cyclists who are screaming that motorists and pedestrians are against them as they nearly run you over going through stop signs and red lights.  I got news for you, people, I have been cycling since before a lot of you have been born.  I don't care if you have helmets, lights, whatever,  if you don't follow the rules of the road, you is gonna end up hurt or dead.  If you share the road, you need to follow the rules of the road.

Anyhow, my little rant for the day. Have a good sleep everyone.


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