
OK, so we had 2 sunny days with 25c, today barely hit 20c, intermittent rain and grey.  Hopefully the sun comes back tomorrow.  I have a 4 day weekend, my car is back, Canada Day party on Friday.  Weekend is looking up.

Long boring day today.  Got 1 student this morning, then nothing.  No phone calls, no e-mails.  Summer really slows a university down.

I am impressed, people keep coming to my office and dropping off sunscreen for the eles.  I do work with some wonderful people.  People are also looking for blankets that they can give me.  Have already started my bag that will only have the stuff for the DSWT.  I will see about the soccer balls tomorrow.  The recreation center has promised me a few.  I have also started a collection of chocolates and some other sweets for the keepers.  I heard they have a sweet tooth.  Have to finish off the sculptures with the sealant.  I have the bubble wrap, so I hope I can pack them well enough that they don't break.

I realized today as I was watching the africams that I am a little disappointed.  I read a lot of Edgar Rice Burrough's Tarzan books when I was a kid.  I think I have had this idealistic vision of Africa in my mind.  However, when I watch the cameras, it gets blown to dust.  It is hard to watch the animals and the vista and then see a truck drive through it.  Or the lights of the lodge in the distance.  It seems Africa has gotten so "touristy".  When I saw Janina's pictures of the traffic jam, it was just so mindblowing.  Really brings the reality to life.  Where is the Africa from my youth?

Anyhow, I am going to try to stay up as late as possible to watch the cameras.  As they are 6 hours ahead of me, it always seems the best stuff happens just before I get up.

Have a great day today/tomorrow, my friends.



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