
It's Sunday.  Got the cleaning done that I put off yesterday.  Cloudy and not nice most of the day, but wouldn't you know, 3:00 pm and the sun finally comes out.  Too late to really do much of anything outside.

Just brushed Kayla for the umpteenth time.  She loses so much fur my vacuum whimpers when I take it out.  That's the penance for having a long haired dog.

Back to work tomorrow, but this week we start with summer hours which means I only work Monday to Thursday.  Next Saturday many of my coworkers and I are heading out to St. Jean sur Richelieu to help with the cleanup.  Those poor people have endured more than 40 days of rains and flooding and had to leave their homes.  The floods are receding, so now it is a huge cleanup.  Two universities are getting together and sending people to help.

Nothing much else happening around here.  Waiting for my sculpture to dry so I can finish it.  Have a great week, everyone.


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