
Ahhhh, the weekend.  Love these 4 day work weeks.  Ends way to soon.  Came home, took up the runner in my hallway to wash it, vacuumed and washed the floors.  That much less to do on the weekend.  Tomorrow monrning, groceries, maybe the canal in the afternoon if it is not too hot.  Hopefully my Heron will be there, or the peregrine falcons.  Too cool.

Took the scissors and cut the hair from Kayla's hind legs.  Boy, it was so thick and wooly I could barely cut it.  But that is where she loses most of her fur, so maybe it will help and my vacuum won't whimper when I take it out.

I put a countdown clock on my homepage of the web.  It is counting down the days, hours and minutes until I leave for Nairobi.  At the moment, it is at 123 days, 20 hours and 20 minutes.  Doesn't seem that long, really.

Well, have a great weekend, everyone.  Take care.


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