Well, after talking to my friends boys I feel much better.  Seems I am not the only person she has done this to.  So sad, she alienated her boys, hardly saw her grandsons.  I just spent the day with one of the grandchildren and he was absolutely delightful.  She has missed out on a lot and all her own fault.

Sad that someone can have the attitude that they must control everything and end up driving so many people away because of it.  I heard her stories, then her sons told me the other side of things.  She was wrong.  You don't tell your children that their choice of a mate (life partner) is wrong and try to break them up.  How sad.  You only end up pushing them farther away.  I have not always agreed with my son's choices, but they were his choices, and he had to learn.   Which he did.

I just hope she has found peace now.  Lord knows she was her own worst enemy in life.



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