Cassidy and pups.

Finally got to see Cassidy for a few hours on Mother's Day. She was happy to see my pups, and I think they were happy to see her too. 

The pup on the right is soon to be part of the family too. They are adopting him, Charlie, from the same person in Mexico that rescued my two. Damn COVID is delaying him coming to Canada. I am sure he will be well worth the wait.

Other than that, it is now 14 months of working from home. No sign of when we will get back to our offices. Might not be until January. They will be moving our offices, so we will have to go in and pack everything. So glad I scanned all my files. That much less to pack up.

At least the weather is getting better. Need a few solid days of warmth for my apartment to warm up. Until then, slippers and sweaters. But my tulips are starting to bloom and my peonies are coming back and growing. Last year they got mowed and weed whacked. Replanted them in a safer place and they are growing again. 



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