Has been a busy month.  Too much going on both at work and at home.  So tired. 

Had a friend betray me.  That is not fun.  But I am not going to pursue it as it is just too draining.  She is the type that gets pissed if you have a drama bigger than she does.  I am too old to be dealing with this high school shit.

Things are so much better since the psycho moved out.  Kayla is more relaxed and so am I. 

Will be changing bosses after next week.  That is a good thing.  The one there now is so controlling.   She has to have the last say over everything.  She wants to oversee everything, then complains she is overworked.  Never mind that I have been doing my job for almost 30 years, it has to go through her first.  Oh, well.  That is life.

This summer I intend to enjoy my granddaughter and my dog.  That is what life is about.  I just wish the weather would cooperate.  3 days of 80+ temps, now today hasn't been above 45.  Hate this time of year.  I should be used to it by now, but no.

Anyhow, have a great weekend, my friends.



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