What a week.  First, Doctor's appointment for my MRI results.  Turns out I have arthritis in my spine.  That has what has been causing me pain. 

Next day was the Regie.  What a farce!  Landlord tried to make it look like I was a bitch complaining about normal noise from the neighbor.  All I can hope is that the judge, who looked like a smart woman, would take into account that the police do not arrest someone, and the courts ban someone from returning to their home, because of loud TV or radio noise.  Have to wait another week or so to get the judgement.

The students have been on strike for the last couple of weeks and are causing all kinds of havoc.  More headaches.  Oh, well.  Those are the least of my problems. 

On the bright side, Cassie had to see the pediatrician yesterday and Greg brought her by my office after.  Such a sweetheart.   She was all smiles and giggles.  Really brightened my week. 

Anyhow, that is enough of my griping this week.  Thanks for listening.

Have a great weekend, my friends.



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