Who needs enemies?

Friends. We all have them. Some are really great, others take a lot of work. I often wonder if we are friends with certain people because they have characteristics that we lack. Some can be very draining, but at the same time, they can keep you sane.

I came to a conclusion last week. I am a capable person who, no I have not always made the wisest choices, but I'm still here. I must be doing something right.

I am only about 2 years younger than my closest friend. A couple of other friends are a little older than that, but it seems like none of them believe I am a capable person. Anything they do is great or wonderful. Anything I do is stupid. They say disparaging things about my son, my animals, my decisions, my home, but don't dare say anything about them or theirs. Then you are just being nasty. I have been told recently I hurt someone because I didn't pick up on their hint they needed a ride somewhere (even though I use my son's car because I don't have one). This is the same person who went around telling everyone I was a horrible driver. Or she'll come in and look around and say "Oh, it's so tidy in here" with a surprised sound to her voice, and 5 minutes later gives me hell because she says I am always cleaning. And she tells me I send mixed messages. She's not the only one, though. Most of my friends are like that. We have all known each other for about 20+ years and have always been there for each other, but my self-esteem is going in the toilet. Everything I do is wrong, everything I say is wrong! Even though I raised my 31 year old son by myself, have a fairly decent job, pay my bills. I must have done something right in my life.

She's hurt because I didn't offer to drive her somewhere? I can't even begin to count the times I have been hurt because they have put me down. I don't even feel like talking to anyone anymore because, of course, I am stupid. NOT!


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