Time keeps on turning:

 Almost 22 months since the pandemic started. I know people are getting tired of the regulations, but they are there to protect everyone. Still, there are people who are so selfish, they just demand attention. They are doing stupid things. So sad and frustrating. 

Arm is doing much better. I don't think I will ever get 100% back, but I am happy with where it is at right now, about 85%. As long as I can do what I need to do, I am happy. 

I'm trying to keep working from home, at least for the next 3 months. Hope they will accept it. Dogs get so stressed out when I am not here. Although, the way they greet me when I do work in the office all day is so sweet. They are happy I am back home.

Have had back pain the last few days. Thought I would get out my mats and do some stretching exercises. Yeah. Good luck with that. Hahaha. Pups figured they would take over the mats. Can't blame them. It has been so cold, the bare floor must be torture. Oh, well. With time they will move off and I can access it. Spoiled brats, LOL. 



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