My life is a mess.   Nothing is turning out the way I would like.  Seems anything I want, I can't have, even the simplest of things.

I don't believe I am a bad person, but nothing ever seems to go my way.  Never enough money, never anything new, never getting anything I want.

Maybe it is just my turning 60.  But I thought I would be farther than I am.  Still in the same lousy apartment.  Still slaving away.  Can't get another dog.  I so miss having a dog.  I am lost without one.

Funny, but where I live, everyone comes to me for help, but there is usually no one there for me when I need it.  I guess I am so tired.  Someone posted about why we are on Facebook.  I don't really have any friends where I am.  I am sort of at that in-between age.  Either everyone is much younger or much older.  I don't really fit in.

I just don't know what else I can do.  I try to be good, try to help, but nothing seems to work.  Oh, well.  I guess that is the same with many people.  But it hurts.  I don't care that my car is 18 years old, or my apartment has cracks in the walls, I just wish I could do more for Cassie and have a dog.  That is my wish for my birthday.  I want a dog.

Anyhow, enough whining for today.


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