Not a bad week.  Got a lot of stuff done.  Got back my Christmas decorations after a year of them being lost.  Lent them to my son a couple of years ago, then, when I asked for them back, he couldn't find them.  I was so upset as the stuff they produce now is garbage.  Some very special pieces in there.  So happy to have them back.

Last day for registration into classes is Monday.  YAHOOOO!  No more whiney students wanting to get into full classes. 

Not a lot happening otherwise.  Weather is supposed to even out this week, thankfully.  Mid-September and we still have temps in the 90s.  Too much.  Made a stew today and it smells soooooooo good.  Cooking in the crockpot.  Yum.  Just in time for the cooler weather.

Anyhow, not much else happening.  Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the weekend and a peaceful week ahead. 



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