Wow.  Found out I am going to be a Grandma.  I am so happy.  I hope everything goes well.  Greg is so happy and scared at the same time.  So is Allie.  I don't think they have anything to worry about.  They are both going to be great parents. 

 The best part of it is they have a great support behind them.  Allie's parents are wonderful, and they love Greg.  I love Allie.  I have started hoarding.  Haha.  Every time I go shopping, I buy one or 2 things for the baby.  By the time he/she gets here, I will have a whole pile of things.  Just stuff like baby shampoo, body wash, diapers, etc. 

I am terrified if they have a girl.  Greg is going to be a boyfriends worst nightmare.  LOL.  He will be very protective of her.  That's my boy.  He has a soft heart and wants to fix everything for everyone.  I love him so much.  And Allie won't take shit from anyone.  This is going to be one terrific kid. 

Anyhow, further updates as they come.

Have a great week, my friends.



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