I have to be crazy.  It hit 40 c (104 f) today, but I still did my session with the trainer.  Of course, we did it indoors with a fan going.  Managed about 45 minutes.  A good workout.  I think I am losing some weight now, and my arms are getting cut.  Muscles are showing.  So cool.

I think only 1 more day of this horrible heat, then we will get back to better temps.  Thank goodness.  I don't have AC at home, only fans.  I am dripping.  Oh well, it is summer. 

Nothing else much happening.  Greg moves next week, and I will be helping.  We have 2 holidays coming up on the Monday, so I have two 3-day work weeks.  Love it.  Really love being closed on the Fridays during the summer. 

Anyhow, hope you have a great rest of the week, my friends.



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