
Ah, another week has gone by.  16 days left before I leave.  I realized today that it is not traveling that I am nervous about.  I think I have this fairy tale opinion of Africa that I had had since I was a kid.  I have dreamed of going for so long.  But with all that's going on, my views have shattered.   I always thought of Africa as deep jungles, lost rivers and exotic locations.  Maybe it was like that when I was a kid, but that was 45 years ago.  A lot changes in that time.

Back to work tomorrow.  The weekend was a complete write-off.  Pouring rain, cold, miserable.  But I got a lot done.  Washed all the bedding from the guests last week.  So everything is good.

Long weekend next week.  Our Thanksgiving.  I am invited to the "future in-laws??" for dinner.  Am looking forward to it.  Such a great family.  I am so glad Greg met Allie.  She is a wonderful girl (woman).

Anyhow, I am all packed.  I think I have my luggage at the good weight.  I had to fix one of my sculptures, but I think it looks even better.  Hopefully they will like it.

Got another lecture tonight that I have to tell another neighbor that I am going to Nairobi.  Bullshit, it is not a question of her not telling me, blah, blah.  I don't have to tell her everything.  

Anyhow, have a great week, my friends.  Don't work too hard. :-)



Julie M said…
Only 12 days now, 12 days that is all and it will go so quickly. I know that you have everything in place so all is well and you are very organised. I think you are probably nervous of the unknown and that you have this perception of what Africa is going to be like and don't want to be disappointed because it will surely have changed. Regardless of any change I believe you are still going to have an awesome time. Just try to stay positive about it all even if something doesn't go according to plan, you are there to enjoy yourself afterall. Try not to have too high expectations and you won't be disappointed, just go with the flow. Enough of me telling you how to feel and what to do. I just want you to have the best time and not to be disapointed about a minute of it. You are going to love it all. So good that you have been invited to Allie's parents place for dinner, I couldn't be more happy for you. I do so hope you have a lovely time and so nice of them to include you I feel. We had our long week end last week end. This week end is our lunch out on the foreshore for Natalie's birthday, hope it will be nice and sunny. The paper today said that we can expect October to be wet almost every day and that will lead us into a wet, humid and hot summer. Great, humid I can do without, it is so draining and makes sleeping difficult. Sounds like the power bill is going to be enormous this quarter. Who gave you the lecture? was it as bad as the one I've just given you. It must be one of your neighbours I think. Sienna has been for her second swimming lesson today and enjoyed it much better than the first one. Where Natalie takes her is just up from my office so next Wednesday I think I will duck along and watch her, she may enjoy a familiar face in the audience. I went over to see them yesterday afternoon, it had been about 10 days since I had seen Sienna and as I approached the front door of the house I spoke to Lilly the dog who was sitting inside the gauze door, Sienna heard me, squealed out and when I reached the door here she was sitting on the floor, arms out, smile on her face and happy to see me. I love her so, she is such a lovely child. One at the end of this month. I have been sewing tonight, Tutu's for Robert and Natalie to wear at the Fairy party. Robert is going to look wonderful, ha ha. Also have been asked if I could make the cake, wonderful. When my kids were growing up I always cooked a cake or two or three for them for their birthdays (one for the party, one to take to school, one for scouts, that sort of thing) All types of childrens cakes, trains, guitars, pianos, sweet shops, you name it I made or attempted to make them and now the next generation is here and I am baking for them. I love it. Karina is well and off the see the specialist on the 25th of this month, she is a bit touchy in the stomach but other than that and feeling more tired than usual she is going great. The doctor she is going to is my gyno, that I have been going to for 32 years (he is about my age and a local man). He delivered Paul and is now going to delivery Paul's child. Midnight here and I am weary and I have prattled on far too much. Enjoy the rest of your week and your Thanksgiving evening (something we don't celebrate in this country). Please tell me all about it, I would love it. Take care, love Julie xoxox
Belinda said…
Ah, Julie. You are almost like a sister I never had. Lovely. The dinner went really well. Deb, Allie's mother, and I gossiped whenever we got the chance. Greg showed her the ring he got for Allie. It is beautiful. Not real, he got it at an online place, but even Deb asked if it was real. Greg paid next to nothing for it, but it looks like it could have cost a small fortune.

I know my nervousness is based on the perception I have of Africa. I know it is going to be a bit of a letdown, but I am determined to have a good time.

So glad Karina is doing well. Hope her tummy trouble doesn't last too long. I never had it so can't sympathize.

I used to bake Greg's cakes too. Was never great at it, but they were good.

Yes, the lecture was from my neighbor again. Same one I complained about today. I almost blurted out "Who died and made you director." Every couple of years, the nosiness gets to me, but I get over it after a little while. They kind of treat me like the dumb little sister, and it gets to me. Just have to get a thicker skin.

Nothing like a little one to make you feel like a million dollars. Sienna is such a darling. Deb and I were talking about grandchildren. She has one already and they are so good with him. He just 11 months old and was trying so hard to walk last night. Succeeded with a few steps. Loved it.

Take care. Talk soon.

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