
Showing posts from December, 2011

Almost done!

Well, 1 more day to 2011.  This year has had it's ups and downs.  We helped Anne.  And there were a couple of other petitions that got passed.  However the big one is still elusive.  Ringworm must be closed down.  The ups of the year are that I have so many great new friends.  Can't believe how well we clicked.  The downs are Kayla is getting older and it is beginning to show.  A dog her size usually has about 12 - 13 years.  She is already 9.  I will enjoy whatever time we have left.  She is such a sweetheart.  Tomorrow is New Year's eve.  I am not doing anything.  Hopefully I will be able to stay awake and watch the countdown.  I am getting old, too.  LOL.  Yesterday was minus 18 with a windchill of minus 28.  Tomorrow is going to be 0 with freezing drizzle.  Of course, I am talking celsius.  Sounds worse than ferenheit, although it is still freaking cold.  The weather h...

Christmas is over

Well, Christmas is over and done for another year.  What will 2012 bring?  The gods only know.  I was watching Afrucam today and saw a breeding herd of eles.  They were magnificent.  Then I thought of all the babies at DSWT who would never have the opportunities these eles had.  It broke my heart.  It was then I thought of the injustice.  Asian ele females do not have tusks.  If the African ele females didn't have tusks, the eles would stand a chance.  Humanity boggles the mind sometimes.  For 2012, I am trying to: a) quit smoking for good.  b) lose the 20 lbs I have put on this year.  Not too difficult, right  It's going to be hell.  Although I have a neighbor who has started a business as a personal trainer, and he is not too expensive.  Plus he is doing the training just down the hall from my apartment, so I think I will hire him.  Not walking as much with Kayla this year has really put on the we...

Merry Christmas Everyone.

My goodness, another year is almost over.  I can't believe what a difference this year has made.  I had so many lovely new friends, a new sister (:-)) and an active life.  I was reborn at 55 years.  Thank you, Goddess, for all the new friends I have made this year.  They have made my life so much better.  I now realize how shallow I was before.  Not caring about too much other than  what affected me personally.  I did my small part whenever I could, but it was never enough.  I think Anne changed things for me.  We DID something.  And it was incredible.  I went outside my comfort zone and traveled.  It was amazing.  Now I feel better about traveling to other places.  I can do it.  I had my doubts before.  Now I know I can.  Yahoooooooo.  To all my friends, I wish nothing but the best for 2012.  I do love you all.  Especially my sister.  Be happy, keep fighting the good...

Merry Christmas

Ok.rhere is something seriously wrong here.  My union filed a grievance that, because the holiday falls on a Sunday, we should be getting the previous work day  off, meaning the Friday.  An arbitrator agreed.  Now the university has filed an appeal.  So, all in all, we don;t get the Friday off.  However, my boss informed me today that she is off to go skiing.  Won't be in for the rest of the week.   Where is the justice?

What a difference a year makes.

Who would have thought that 6 little words said a year ago would change my life so immensely.  "I want an elephant for Christmas".  A year later, I now have friends from all over the world.  I have been to Africa and am looking forward to my next trip to Australia.    Who would have thought that such a magnificent creature as the elephant that lives a half world away could change a life so much. I used to be almost a hermit, not really caring about anything much but myself and my son.  Now a whole new world has opened up for me.  And I wouldn't change anything for the world. Have a great rest of the weekend, my friends.  TTFN


OK, it is December 13th.  I haven't got hardly anything done for Christmas.  I have a few large Christmas balls that I hang in my window, but my son has my tree and all my decorations.  I'm never usually home at Christmas. How did the days fly by so fast.  Wow.  I will have to raid the locker this weekend and get my wrapping paper and stuff to get ready.  Good thing I bought all those things in Nairobi.  That takes care of almost everyone.  Just one or two other things to get over the next week or so. Have a great rest of the week, my friends. TTFN

Bad Mommy

O.K. I'm a bad mommy.  Kayla has been licking herself quite a bit for a few months now.  I never really checked it out properly.  Tonight I did, and she has licked herself bald.  She has a major hot spot in her rear "armpit".  Poor girl.  I have put hydrocortisone on it for now, but have to figure out how to stop her from licking herself.  It just makes it worse.  I think with all the wet we have been having it has irritated her even more.  Have to keep her very dry.  A cool tea bag rub to relieve irritation, a good rub with the towel.  It has been a busy, but quiet week.  A lot of things that have to be done, but no students, so it has been quiet.  I can't believe it is only 2 weeks until Christmas.  I am not even nearly ready.  Thank goodness for all the things I picked up in Nairobi, that's what everyone is getting.  Had a bit of a bad patch this week, too many horror stories with the animals.  B...


I HATE MENOPAUSE.  The hot flashes are driving me crazy.  Can't sleep properly.  Tonight, I am almost in tears seeing all the animals that are due to be put down.  There are just too many.  I hate this world that can do all these horrible things to these innocent beings.  That being said, how is your week going?  Just getting too overwhelmed with all the stories of abuse and neglect.  These poor animals haven't done anything to deserve this.  I want a large pool, a dozen toasters plugged in, and all the abusers and abandoners in the pool.  Just 5 minutes.  I don't think any jury in the world would convict me.  Sorry, I really am feeling overwhelmed.  This picture from ESMA got to me.  I think my hormones are completely out of whack right now. Anyhow.  I hope you all have a great rest of the week, my friends.  TTFN


Nothing much has been happening.  Managed to get Kayla to the canal on Sunday.  She had a great time.  Nothing but rain since.  The streets and sidewalks around home are so muddy from the construction and I have to constantly vacuum and wash the floors.  Very annoying.  Work is winding down, though.  Another couple of weeks and we close for Christmas break.  Love it.  A week and a half off.  Could use it.  Even though I just had 2 weeks vacation, it just seemed so jam packed with things to do that I didn't really get any rest.  Don't really want to go to Ottawa, but I will. Anyhow, nothing much else to say.  Have a great rest of the week, my friends. TTFN